
John's address

We have gotten 4 letters since John left. In his second letter he wrote, "I love you all intensely to the point of tears." Wow, was that nice to hear. He admits he has been stretched. He seemed a little homesick, as he said he did'nt know what he had until he doesn't have it anymore(meaning us). He came in first in the running in his company with a time of 9:22. I'm thinking it was a two mile. Because of that the "rabbits" do not have to do firewatch. I think that is night duty of some sort. In his most recent letter he said all of the 2nd and 3rd squad had firewatch because they messed up in morning cleanup.. The beds were'nt made well enough . This was not John's squad. So while he was writing us he said instead of 3 on watch there were 26 people roaming around the squad bay. He is enjoying the chapels. He said they are seriously and sincerely about JC.

His graduation is Jan 12. There are two airports nearby. I hope some of you can come to this great occasion. He will be able to come home for 10 days and then return to Camp LeJeune for the School of Infantry.

He said his right shoulder has a strong burning from carrying his rifle. Please pray about this for him! He also said his emotions have been a little unstable at times, but mostly he's had adequate sleep, good meals, and composure.

RCT Maughan, John J. 8566
PLT 3001, 3rd bn, k CO
Box 13001
Parris Island, SC 29905- 3001

All for now,
Love Jeanne


Halloween Photos

Click on the title to see pictures from Halloween. The kids all went and then went back to Mom and Dad's to pick thru their goodies. By the end of the time uptown Lilly and Isaiah both had to be carried. Good time had by all.

Dad, Rick and Jess all going together football game tomorrow night. We made it in the playoffs, playing Hopewell-Loudin there. Suppose to be mighty cold. It is cold here tonight.



The rest

Also heard that Nathan got a deer !!!!!! And that he's very happy about it.

Pictures Jeanne sent

Fall Photos

Click on 'Fall Photos' to see the pictures.

Pictures from this years CornMaize visit. Came back to the house with Mom and Dad over. Had Chili, cider and donuts and s'mores on the bon fire. Jess carved pumpkins for Lilly and Isaiah.

Ross and Amanda came down Sunday and Kayla showed off her walking skills. When you look at the photos, you need to check Kayla trying to get on the scooter. She was standing on the left side and we were continuing to lift her right leg to get on the bike. When she went back to it she was on the right side of the bike and continued to lift her right leg to get on. We cracked up at her.

Lilly is going to be Princess Jasmine for Trick or Treat. Isaiah wants to be the same dog he was last year. It is Tuesday the 31st. Should be fun.


John is ready to go

It's hard to wait the final hours. We will take him to the recruiters office at 6:00 tonight. They take him to Harrisburg and he stays the night in a very nice hotel and has a very nice meal at the hotel. The next morning, we will be able to go for a swearing in at 9:00. Then, he's off. He will fly south. I'm not sure what the afternoon holds, but late at night the new recruits board a bus and are taken to Parris Island. They are ordered off the bus in hurried fashion by the drill sargaent and the adventure begins. The only thing he takes are the clothes on his back, his New Testament and his driver license. Not hard to get him ready! He cleaned his room and stripped it down. Now the room war begins as several of the children want to claim it.

Stan was on vacation this past week and he spent time at our adopted lean to. He built a new fireplace for it. The lining is brick and the outside is stone. It took him hours to look for just the right stones. He is pleased with how it turned out. He enjoyed the stone work so much, I can see that as a new hobby for him.

Sarah is getting a lot of driving experience in and she also started working at Cherry Hill. A store that is surrounded by apple orchards and sells the produce and many other things. She enjoyed the day which was mainly spent bagging peoples purchases.

Keep John in your prayers. When I get an address I will pass it on.

Love, Jeanne


It has been....

beautiful fall weather here for the last few days. Rain coming back Wednesday or Thursday.

We all went out for breakfast Sunday after church for Mom's birthday. They then went to Anderson's and bought some new jeans for her and then supper at Shucker's. So they had a good day.

Reminder that John is leaving soon for boot camp. October 16. Good Luck to him. And Jeanne maybe give us updates on him.

Kathy Bodenbender is in hospice in Perrysburg. She has had brain cancer about a year now. Is also in her stomach. Had been quite bad for a couple of weeks, but has had an upswing this past week. She is talking and eating shrimp and milkshakes.



Hi There !!

It's Thursday evening and just waiting for Survivor to come on.

I have had pics to share, but I had too many for the free account and had to delete and move around and I just did that, so here are some from the fair and Kayla's birthday party.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cashadday/ I see Jeanne accepted my invitation on Flickr but to be honest I have no idea what she was invited to do !!!

And Jeanne, I can't imagine what life is like there right now. If all of you don't know, the Amish school shooting was about 20 minutes from Jeanne's family. When Rick and I were there, I remember seeing some of the towns they are talking about when we were sightseeing. It has been a sad week in this country with all the shootings.

Reminder that Mom's birthday is Sunday. I don't know what we are doing yet.

More later,


Fall happenings

Hi all,
We had a good summer vacation. Now fall is here and we are in the swing of routine. The school year has started out well. Sarah-junior, David-sophomore, Nathan- 7th, Benjamin-5th and Rachael-3rd. As a junior, Sarah can take one free class a semester at Lancaster Bible College and earn college credit and high school credit. This semester she's taking Intro to Literature. She has a great professor and does not feel overwhelmed. This class will count a year of high school English. Sarah and David are also taking an American history class at a co-op for homeschoolers and some other interesting classes for fun like Criminal Science and The Art of Conversation. Nathan is not doing anything special right now. He still specializes in fixing anything that is broken around tthe house. He comes in very handy. Benjamin is interested in Mime (drama) and takes a class for this once a week. Rachael is playing soccer. She is quite good. She looks to be the smallest on her team, but she's all spirit.

Last weekend I attended a conference with 1000 other people which was called Thousands not Billions. The scientists from Institute for Creation Research presented some of their research from the past eight years looking at a number of projects they were doing. It was quite interesting hearing first hand from these scientists. The findings on helium diffusion rates from zircon crystals which should not have any helium at all, and the finding of c14 in coal c14 in diamonds is major. Coal is typically dated at millions of years and diamonds many millions even billions. c14 as you may know has a half life of 5,730 years. With the sophisticated measuring techniques of today even minute amounts of carbon can be detected. The scientists sent all these samples to the best known labs that believe in the old age of the earth. All samples had measurable c14 . There shouldn't have been any.
Anyway, I could say so much more but I will spare you the complicated explanations. Science is the Bibles friend, not foe. This topic has always interested our family, because Stan was an atheist for many years and believed wholeheartedly in the old age of the earth, (evolution)

Other news for us is John's departure for the Marines is now October 16. He can't wait.

Because of his delay, the temperatures will be milder in the south. I'm glad for that. His graduation from boot camp will be in January. I will get a firm date. If you can come please do!!

Also, I will be going to Ohio this weekend for my class reunion. 30 years.

What's everyone else up to?
Love, Jeanne


Hey there,,,,

I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted. We must have been busy.

Got the fair over with. It was alot of work and great fun.

Dad, Kayla and Darren all had birthdays. We took peach pie and ice cream to Mom and Dad's for his birthday. Had a fun party for Kayla's first at SideCut park in Maumee. Got Darren a 'Hoosier Parking only' sign for his garage.

Mom and Dad have been taking turns with their health, back and forth between Dad with coughing spells,( he seems to be coming along) and Mom and her blood pressure (trying to get it leveled off.

Wayne has been talking to Mom and Dad and Hauk has been in the hospital with asthma. He went in Tuesday and maybe came home today.

Let us know what is going on with all of you,



Update on Mom

They are still holding off on the oxygen. They put her on a medication that works like Viagra and opens the blood vessels in her heart and they believe they can repair the damage. In a couple of weeks they will do a test at Fulton County with something attached to her ear lobe and while walking, it will measure the oxygen in her blood to see if it has made a difference in her levels.

Wayne it has been up for discussion to pool our money to paint the house over there. Jess will be doing the labor. We know with your job situation over the winter that may not be possible for you and that is fine. I am going to try to get an estimate next week on a total cost. I will throw it out for consideration then.

This fall I will also revisit the prescription plan situation. Since the plans have went into effect the cost of the meds has went up considerably. I will be running the numbers again to see where they stand, with the cost of signing up.

Any comments, let me know.



It's August already....

I can't believe it, Lilly starts kindergarten this year. School clothes shopping soon.

Everyone had a great time while home. Our Saturday pond day was lovely. Wayne, I'll send you the link where the pictures are so you can see all the kids.

Speaking of Wayne, I believe they have moved. When I called up there to report on Mom last week, I spoke to Lucy's mom and she was helping her pack. I don't know if she said last week-end or this week-end.

August will be busy, Kara & Darren's anniversary on the 5th, Isaiah's 3rd birthday party on the 12th, Dad's 76th birthday, and the fair work with the food stand.

Mom sees Dr. Kahalee today. I called down and talked to Carol Tuesday, and putting Mom on oxygen will be on the table today.

On future calendar business, Diane and kids will be home in October, about the 20th - 22nd. She wants to be able for them to go to the corn maize and haunted cornfield with us this year that week-end. So save that date. Jeanne has a couple of options on coming home, her class reunion in September I think, or when Diane comes in October. She is checking their schedules out there to make a plan. Wayne, anything you can workout ???

The heat has broke here this morning with rain. Boy, it was a cooker here this week.

The photo link is here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cashadday/
Well that is it for now.


Update ....

Jeanne and the kids will also be coming home. As of right now the plan is to drive out Thursday, the 27th and probably leave Monday the 31st. She wanted to be able to have the kids together for a few days.


Happy Birthday to Wayne, Rick and Dakota !!

And to Kara tomorrow !!!

We are getting together tonight for supper and cake to celebrate.

Lilly was in the VBS program this morning after her and Isaiah spent the night at our house. They do pretty well together, but even the novelty of that was wearing thin at 6:30 this morning when they were both up. Pretending to be quiet so 'we don't wake up Grandma'

Looking forward to Diane and kids getting here Thursday.

That warm summer we were all wishing for in January is here !!!!!!


It is HOT here ....

We won't being do much this week-end. Do have a start on the grain truck getting loaded with junk for a land-fill run. Rick and I got some stuff loaded up last night but then Martha stopped over there to visit so that ended Dad's supervision.

Diane and the kids will be home the 20th thru the 30th, so she will be going with us for the heart cath on the 25th. We have to be down there at 7:oo and will do it at 9:30 am.

Jess has got alot done at the pond, trees trimmed, mowing, stuff pulled out of the pond, and a bad case of poison ivy. He is going to the doctor today, can't get it under control.

Isaiah is pretty much potty trained. When he does real good he gets to go to Sterlings and pick out a surprise, right now he is on rope gum. And I bought him some Blues Clues under wear and matchbox cars. He will show you his 'big boy underwear' at will.

This week is VBS, so Lilly has been there every night.

I have included a pic of Kayla at 9 months and Logan at 2 months together.

Jeanne is talking about coming home at fair time, second week in August, and even working the fair stand as a great way to see alot of people she knows. LOL


Hey there ...

How's it going with everyone ? Wayne, how's the job going, Jeanne vacation, and Diane I'm guessing your at the ballfield field ?????

Had a busy weekend. Napoleon had their 2nd annual ribfest. We had planned on going and Dad called that morning and they wanted to go also. We took the lawn chairs for them and parked them on a corner to watch the people, they have main street closed off. They sat there and talked with people.

Saturday morning us, them, and Ross's family all went to Hillsdale and took the geese to sell. Didn't get back home til 3:30 and alot of walking. Dad was trying to talk us into pygmy goats and pot-bellied pigs. Came home with neither, did buy flowers, play things for the kids outside and Dad bought picket fence. That was the first time Rick has went, he was big on the auction, but bought nothing.

Have added a picture of Logan, 16 # at 2 months. Saturday night we had him and Kayla sit side by side and he is very little behind, I will post that soon, don't have it off the camera yet. She is 19# at 9 months.

Jess is taking next week off to go over there and get some things done. Get the pond cleaned up, yard work, etc. He mowed everything yesterday. I am going over some night this week to work on flower beds, etc.

Let me know what is happening with you..........

Love, Cheryl


Way to go John !!!

Jeanne, you guys have every right to be very proud of John's accomplishments and your own as well. You obviously have done a great job schooling. Well, this can be a learning experience as well about plans changing, and going to Plan B sometimes. When we all start out, we don't know the path God has for us. Just need to be ready and open when the path is there.

Mom & Dad had a great time as well. He is really thinking about getting another dog, just for Kate to have someone to play with. Kate plays with Pandy, and Callie, the dog at work, and it would help give her something to do. I know we generally like having 2 to be together. I think I told you guys, goofy is gone. She made it a long time, but was getting so she could not walk. Rick is starting to think about getting another one. The other thing is it is so easy to train, when you have another dog. Goofy trained Pandy. And Pandy trained Kate while they were in Florida.

Mom & Dad are doing well. Mom had several appointments yesterday. They did a doppler on her heart yesterday, just to verify there was nothing there causing her shortness of breath, they were sure it was related to her lung function, but just wanted to rule it out.

Alright, got to get busy,

Love Cheryl

Going, going , gone

Hi all,
We will be leaving in an hour. We had a great visit with Mom and Dad. The dogs really enjoyed playing together. Believe it or not Little Katie usually had the upper hand with Lily the pinned to the ground. John's graduation was awesome. We are so proud of him. He enjoyed his two years at Penn Manor. He graduated above 4.o and also honors. His class rank was in the 20s out of 450 We get his final standing with his transcript. Please hear my bragging as I have no one else I've bragged to. Finally, yesterday, the decision was made for John to delay his entry to the Marines. It was disappointing for him, but he also believes that God is in this and has a plan. After he's over this illness, has to wait another six months before he is allowed to proceed to boot camp etc. I think if he's feeling better by the fall he will take classed at college. Too soon to say anything for sure. In the meantime, I have found some good things to help him to hopefully speed his recover. I am still pursuing mono and we have an Epstein Barr panel coming back this weekend and I will be anxious to see the results.

Need to go, Diane when are you going home this summer?
Love Jeanne


Happy Birthday, Diane !!!

You 2 girls are both getting close to the Big 50 !! Hope you have a great day.

Congratulations to John on his graduation !!! Good Luck in your future.
Sorry to hear about your mono. Hope you start to feel perky soon.

Mom and Dad I believe will be home tonight, and I believe Jeanne and family are heading out to vacation soon.

Word is Kayla is crawling, Logan is 16# at 2 months, and you saw the pictures of Isaiah and Lilly fishing. He had a great time.

Haven't heard from Wayne yet on his new job. Good Luck to him.

Later all, Cheryl


Logan @ 2 months

New pics of Logan can be found at the following locaton.


You will also find a few pictures of Memorial Day 2006.  Isaiah caught his first fish one his first cast (with $3 dollar Sponge Bob fishing pole)

Darren Estelle


Happy Birthday Jeanne !!!

Hope you had a great day, thinking of you !!!!!

Love Cheryl


Summer break

Hello Everyone,
We finished our school for the year here! That's always a nice feeling. We had our evaluations this past Friday and all went well. I had chosen a different evaluator and she did not disappoint me. She gave each child a lot of time and enjoyed all the work they had to show off. Today is Tuesday and I feel like I have a lot of time on my hands to catch up.

Stan's brother, Doug, and his wife Stephanie were here yesterday for the day. Had a nice visit. They have a kerry blue terrier dog with them who just had obedience training in Pittsburgh. Nice dog but not for me. We hope they will come down for Christmas this year.

Kara, glad to hear from you. I'm anxious to meet Logan. I have never regretted staying home with my kids. I worked one day a week for years and that was a nice fit for us as Stan would watch the kids. I'm not working outside the home at all the past five years. I always loved nursing but I don't need the stress right now. If I ever went back it would not be to hospital nursing.

Diane, I bet it's hot down there. It's finally summer here. 94 today. Would you please look in your den for some necklaces of mine. I took 3 brown beaded necklaces, colorful and an opal necklace mounted on a square piece of sterling silver. It was Stan's moms.

Cheryl, I really liked your longer hair!

Wayne, I'm glad to hear about your new position!

John's graduation is June 6. I'm glad Mom and Dad can come. I do get concerned about the long drive for them. We will get to meet Katy. We have a golden too, Lily. They ought to have fun together. `John may or may not leave in July for the Marines. He is fighting something and is extremely fatigued. This has gone on for about three months. Frequency testing showed acute mono. Lab testing looked normal for a number of things. The doctor would like him to wait and John is okay with that. So am I!

Well, I'm off to enjoy my first day of vacation.
Love, Jeanne


I have the air on today. Supposed to be 87 and very muggy from the rain we have had this week.

A couple of graduations here this year. Kasey Bodenbender, Jason, Mark's boy and Jessica, Billy's girl, and Jorden. Mom and Dad are leaving Tuesday the 6th and coming back on the 8th for John's graduation.

Rick has been battling a cold this week and now I am starting in. Dad talked to his doctor this week and they both felt better afterwards. He talked like the vein that is blocked is a small one and shouldn't cause much of a problem. It was really weighing on the two of them.

I haven't talked to them this morning yet, they are out, but I think it is unlikely that he will be marching this year in the parade. So I am glad we have made sure we have all been there the last couple of years when he has. Maybe he will meet them at the cemetary. I think we are all going to the pond for the day. Oh, that reminds me, we have to go do flowers at the graves. I guess maybe Sunday night.

I hope Kevin and Stan are both doing well. Oh yeah, Diane, which part of Jupiter is the 'small town' ?????

Wayne starts his new job June 5th. I don't know when the move will be. I think Lucy and the kids are staying in Wis. for the summer. Good Luck to you.

Have a great week-end !!
Hello everyone!!! My first post!! My 8 weeks are finally up. I go back to work on Tuesday. Logan is getting really big. At one month he was 13 lbs 3 oz. He goes back to the dr a week from Monday. Can't wait to see where he is then. Isaiah and Logan will be going to a new sitter for the summer since their normal sitter is expecting and due June 6th. A little worried about how Isaiah will do since he has been at Becky's since he was 6 weeks old. He says he won't cry but we will see how he does. Darren and I are looking at maybe being able to stay at home either full time or maybe part time. We will see. Well I just wanted to send a quick post out. I hope everyone is doing good. Oh and Diane, the outfits that you got Isaiah when he was born he didn't really get to wear but they have been perfect for Logan!!!! Talk to everyone later.



Still hot and dry

Hello everyone, Cheryl thanks for posting a picture of you and Rick and the grandkids. I hadn't seen a picture of your new teeth yet. From what I could tell you looked pretty good. How are you doing with them? Still hot and dry down here. It makes us a little nervous for huricane season. The rule of thumb is dry spring, bad huricane season. James finished his baseball season. It was a lot of fun. He'll take the summer off and then do either tackle football or baseball in the fall. Tackle football is a big commitment, 2hours a day 5 days a week. Meghan is still busy with travel basketball. We go to a tournament June 2,3,4 which will give us our final rank in the state, right now we're 4th. Not bad for the small town of Jupiter!! On July 11 we go to nationals in Tampa. The top 8 teams qualify for that tournament, should be fun. Kevin had carpaltunal (I'm sure i didn't spell it correctly sound it out) surgury on his right hand last week. He fell back asleep after he came out of the recovery room and they had a hard time wakeing him up again. This Thursday he goes to the O.R. again for his back. It's been a long time since his last procedure so he's really looking forward to the releif. Meghan had her 8th grade dance this past Friday. What a blast between nails, hair, make-up and going from house to house with a couple girls and us moms to check everyone else out. She had a great time and looked beautiful, maybe I can figure out how to send some photos. I personally have been doing good, I feel like I'm always in the car dropping off or picking up. Starting Thursday the 25th I have till the 5 of June off, the doctor is going out of town plan on painting, and cleaning closets!! Later


Yeah, it's May

It is finally getting to be dry this week after 31/2" of rain the last 2 weeks.

Kayla's baptism was Mother's Day, with dinner afterwards. That was lovely and that's where the pic is from.

Lilly's graduation from pre-school is tomorrow night, with a little party at our house.

Mom and Dad go to see the heart doctor this morning for something in the english language about his test results. I do know one is 90% blocked and a couple others 40% blocked, I assume you have all asked them about it.

I also believe Mom will be going on oxygen shortly. Last week at her tests her lung capacity was 30% and her blood oxygen level was 87% which is adding to her forgetfulness.

They both are in goods spirits though and accepting of whatever they need to do.

John's graduation is next week, right Jeanne ? I do believe they plan on driving out for that. Congratulations to him on that. I am sorry I can't be there for that, but I will be sending a card and know that we are thinking of him on his great day.


Talked to Diane and she was telling me how hot it is there. We are still waiting. About 60 and breezy, making it still a bit chilly.

Kate is being a handful for Mom and Dad, but they love her. It is a good thing Rick and I got her house trained while they were gone to Diane's. They have a fenced in area for her in the back yard between the old house and wood house.

Kara and Darren and the boys are in Indiana this weekend. Logan is growing by leaps and bounds, even faster than Isaiah. He is over 11# already.

Kayla is getting baptized on Mother's Day at the same church they got married in. Then dinner out with everyone.

Ted Mohler had a heart attack this week, had a triple bypass done. Isn't doing that well.

Ila was also in the hospital over night, but the tests came back okay.

Just as an fyi, Dad did results back from his tests when he was in overnight. Ask him about it.

Lilly graduates from pre-school this month. You can't have one without the other. Everytime I pick up Lilly, it takes 30 secs, to 'let's call Kara and see what Isaiah is doing.' Or' I wonder what Isaiah is doing today'. He's really funny to listen to, trying to talk in sentences, sounding all grown up. He does pretty good.

Worked in the yard yesterday and need to finish up today. Lilly will be here.


Spring news

We are sure enjoying the spring here. Our pond is prettiest in the spring with the daffodils and tulips and crocuses to decorate it. They have gone by now. One frog is still here. He must have survived the winter and he is croaking a lot in the evening. Stan put some more tadpoles in last week too. A few weeks ago a pair of mallards started to come to the pond early in the morning and the female made a nest in one of the bushes. She faithfully sits there and she is quite accustomed to us now and even the lawn mower doesn't bother her. She has about 12 eggs. Dad said he thought after they hatch they would move out fairly soon. We hope so because our little pond couldn't handle them all. Plus Lillie, our golden retriever loves to chase birds.

Sarah's rabbit Angel died this week. Suddenly too. One day she seemed fine and the next we found her dead. It was hard for Sarah as she had her for almost 8 years.

Stan's lyme symptoms flared up starting aabout two months ago. The blood test showed positive with one band as they call it, showing recent antibodies rather than latent. We started him on a protocol that uses NaCl tablets and Vit C. He is up to 5 grams of each a day. Two weeks after he started this protocol and at only 2 grams of each, his fatigue, pain in knees, and burning on his feet cleared. He is feeling much better. His right eye is still quite affected and bothersome. He sees his eye specialist again soon to see how the clot is doing. As far as the protocol goes he will work up to 10 to 12 grams of each and this will continue for months. lymephotos.com is the site with information and I joined lyme strategies a yahoo group where lots of people are using this protocol. I would still like to get a Rife machine which is also used by lyme sufferers but it's pricey and Stan hasn't wanted to go that route yet. They use electromagnetic frequencies to match the lyme frequencies and basically shatter the spirochetes.

Today in our big backyard down below our house is the Turkey Hill Festival. There are tents set up and all kinds of free food compliments of Turkey Hill a mini market business here in Manor Township. They sponsor a large bike race here every year. Where we live is excellent bike riding and all year we have bikers. Turkey Hill started as a cow dairy and it still is but it has expanded to include all kinds of stuff. Their huge fake cow is here too. I see the bike race just started. Their off! I'm not sure how many times they bike the course, but it takes almost two hours. The five K and ten K foot races finished early and they also have foot races for younger kids. My kids love this festival and right in their backyard!



Good Friday to you

We got some rain over night, so that slowed things down here. The farmers will be planting next week.

Logan went in for his one week check and has gained 1# in the week. He had even gained weight before he left the hospital.

Jess and I did take Lilly and Isaiah to the egg hunt, they did quite well. Saturday Lilly's pre-school will have one at 10:00 and the town's will be at 1:30. Sunday will be Sunrise Service, breakfast and church. Having lunch early afternoon for the family. If it is nice I think we will go back to the pond. The guys have been wanting to go fishing.

Alvin Hill had a little episode this week and was at Toledo Hospital. I think he has had prostrate cancer and I don't really know what is going on.

Hope you all have a Happy Easter,



Good morning

Logan and Kara are coming home today. Kara is doing quite well, she was sick after the delivery with nausea for a few hours, but has bounced right back.Will be posting more pics soon.

Lilly spent the night and Pam and Jerry have to leave at 10:00 this morning, so Isaiah will be coming over until they get home . They have been here since Wednesday morning and have been taking care of him and taking him over to the hospital a couple times a day. Darren has been back and forth, some nights staying and some nights not, so he can put Isaiah to bed, that is usually his job and Isaiah was missing that.

Tomorrow there is an Easter egg hunt at the sportsman club and I am going to take them over there.

Next four days are supposed to be great here, sunny and 60. I need to get in that yard. We are having a work day at Mom and Dad's in the 22. We hope to go to Hillsdale next Saturday and get bunnies for the kids. Should have went today, but it wasn't going to work out.

Got to go,



to catch up....

Alot going on this week. First of all the death of Kevin's dad. I will be picking him this afternoon at the airport. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. I don't know how long he is staying.

Mom and Dad are almost back. They called this morning as they left Jeanne's. I guess the drive up the coast wasn't all Dad had hoped for. Bad traffic. They have had a good trip but are anxious to get home. They will be surprised at how Kate has grown. It was a pretty long drive for Dad and I believe this will be their last driving trip alone to the south.

'Logan James' birthday is tomorrow. 7:30 am. I will be going over in the morning to stay with Isaiah and then take him over to see his new brother. Isaiah will be the first one to see him and Kara wants to see Isaiah see him so it will be over an hour before that happens. We were laughing over the week-end how Kayla will be the big girl now.

She is the nubbiest thing. 7 months now. Ross started back to work this week, so that will be a huge transition for them all.

Spring is right around the corner here, so it will be busy here, work will be hopping and alot of yard work to do at home.

This is Lilly's last month at preschool and will start kindergarten this fall. Her and Isaiah are still best buds. Last night as soon as she got to our house, she started in, 'Can I call Kara, I wonder what Isaiah is doing tonight'. So he came over and it gave Kara and Darren a couple of hours.

Well that is it for now. Hope all is well where you are.


They're off ....

Down the road before 7:00 this morning, trying to get thru Ohio before the snow comes, 4-5 inches in Columbus.

Kate, the mommy kitty and kittens are all at our house, what a riot. We didn't know how being in the cage for the day would go, with barking and all and Jess sleeeping the days, so Rick thought I ought to take her to work with me, so she is here today. We already have one dog here, so we will see how that goes, a boxer, Callie. Kate and Pandy do well together, I thought Kate would have her fill of Pandy, but Kate is running Pandy ragged. She goes in the bedroom and hides when she has had enough.

Well that's all for now, hope you all have a great time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Lucky Jeanne....

on going to Florida. I am glad they will have someone to drive back with them, I am concerned about the drive down. Sorry I took so long to post back, Jeanne thought they had went and was back, so I'm glad she could work it out.Hope you all have a great time and wish I was there.

Do you know Dad has shingles right now? He can't leave it alone, I told him to keep calamine lotion on it, to heal it up, and keep from itching.

We are having a birthday party for Lilly tomorrow. Can you believe she is 5?

Speaking of birthday's, I think the new baby's birthday, may be April 4. Logan James or Chloe Ann. Darren has finished the upstairs and the baby room is officially ready.

Jeanne, you are in the 'Remember When' in the Liberty Press this week. Check it out when you get it. Kara was in a couple of weeks ago, for when they went to regional basketball.

Elmer Carpenter died this week.

Kate is a handful for Mom and Dad. She is keeping them busy and has eliminated their nap times. She is up at 6:00 each morning. They really wish she could make the trip also, but think that will be a little too far for her.

Well that's it for now,



I don't have .....

pictures yet but will get them today and post to the blog, but I can tell you a little about her. Born January 8, blond golden retriever named Kate. She potties in the house, chews on the table legs, pulls out the carpet in the living room and jumps on the furniture, won't come in when they call her, and Dad is happy. So right now unless someone is holding her or she is laying with Dad on the couch, she is confined to the kitchen. She is a little fuzz ball. They got her from Terry Davis, on my way to work, I saw they had a sign out and call Mom & Dad and talked about it some. That night Mom called to see what I had found out and that was nothing, I didn't know I was supposed to. So I call Terry the next day and got details, called Mom & Dad back, and they were going to talk some more and go check them out. 20 minutes later they pulled into Davis at Delta with her.

Took them over to Ridgeville last night for the fish fry. They have one every Friday night in the winter. They were to Wayne's and back this week to pick up furniture that was Grandma & Grandpa Hecklers that was in storage. It was just an up and back trip. They will be going to Diane's sometime this week, maybe leaving Wednesday?

Kara is coming along good with about 6 weeks to go, the upstairs is almost ready for the baby. Isaiah has a baby in his belly also and when you ask him will lift up his shirt and push his stomach in and out so you can see it move.

Lilly has a birthday coming up and will be 5 on the 18th on March.

You could see from the pictures earlier that Kayla is doing well. Mom and Dad got to babysit her while Ross and Amanda took a walk to the woods while she was sleeping on Mom. Mom knows she can only sit there with any of them. When she woke up Dad took her for a while and laid her down on the floor to she if she wanted to play for a while. She puckered up that bottom lip so fast when he let go of her. So he scooped her up and they continued to hold her til they got back.

Well I have got to get some work done here, have a good week-end.


John's graduation

I'm sorry, but with John's graduation being on a Wednesday, I am not going to be able to come out. At work, I am not going to be able to work that out, unless weather becomes a factor with rain. We have been hashing over the October graduation and the drive to South Carolina. That is a possibility. Diane, any guess on whether you think you could get up there?


June 7

I just got back from my conference. Had a real nice time. Met a lot of people. While I was gone Benjamin chipped a lower front tooth. They didn't call me because they didn't want me to worry. Fortunately, it's minor, and the dentist just needs to restore some enamel. Whew, I dread dental emergencies with the kids. That's the third one in a year!

Yes, John's date is June 7. Jeanne

Good to see you post !!

Why do you feel like you took a different route? How did you do it?

I remember the days........ except it was baseball and softball all summer long.

What fun to see the taping and stuff. So how does the new house look?

Mom and Dad are back from Wayne's. Just a quick trip up to get some furniture to bring back. Up Monday and back last night. Nothing new on the job situation yet.

I am keeping Dad on the AARP's where he is at. On their med list, some of Dad's meds are not on the formulary and it would mean cutting back on his medical coverage to save any money. I have went over everything with them, I know it is not saving them any money on his meds, but I don't feel they can afford to be without the coverage that pays 100% of his medical copayments. Of course all the people their age are discussing it among themselves and comparing. I have told them, yes some of those people may have cheaper medical insurance, but Mom and Dad pay no out of pocket expenses on medical and that is important for Dad. Some of those people are only telling half of the story. But they do understand and what we are going to do is fine with them.

Other than that things are quiet here right now. When it warms up, we will be making some trips to Hillsdale to sell off some more stuff, maybe in a couple of weeks. I would like to get some rabbits for the kids for Easter to keep at our house. That should be fun. Dad and I were checking them out when we were there the other week and making plans.

Jeanne, I need you to get back with us about John's graduation, for sure that it is on a Wednesday ????? Let me know soon.



News from sunny south Florida

I feel like I took a different route to make a message on the blog. I hope you get this. It sure was depressing reading about all the snow up there, it cooled off to about 60 here so we heated the pool last week-end and had a bon fire!!!!!!!!!! The usual gang was here. We roasted marshmellows and made s'mores.
James will have his last Basketball game this week-end. At his age the teams aren't really that good.
Meghan however has become quite the basketball player, She is on 3 teams, 2 she had to try-out for 2 of them, the school team and the town travel team. We watch BB games about 3 times a week. Meghan plays BB everyday of the week and week-end with pratices and games.
Extreme Home Makeovers did a show in West Palm Beach last week. The producer of the show broke a tooth and ended up at our office. We fixed him up and in return we went to the construction site, and met several of the hosts of the show, Paige, Michael and Daniel and got t-shirts with autographs. The show will air in 6-8 weeks. Eric took us to a closer viewing site, so we watched them film some of the show. Later Diane



I did want to double check with you about John's graduation, that is on a Wednesday ???? June 7.


We had a successful

visit to the mall. We found a lovely amethyst ring for Sarah. For years, I've been planning on getting a ring for my girls on the 16th birthday. I got the idea from Mom because I remember she got a ring from her parents too on her 16th. It's beautiful if you've ever seen it.

Tonight the older kids get home and tomorrow I go away till Wednesday. I signed up for a Pastor's wives conference at a place call Sandy Cove in Maryland on the Cheasapeake Bay. I don't feel desparate for a break but I like to get away and relax which Stan says I don't do enough.

John just found out about another option for the Marines that he's quite interested in. It is an officers track that starts while in college. Instead of two weeks every summer with his unit he would go to six weeks of officer training work. It's more pay too, which will help for college. After four years of college it's a six year commitment. He's considering making a career of it.



We received a foot of snow

with our storm last weekend. Great for the kids to play in! It warmed up again quickly and now our snow is almost all gone. Windy here today. I'm glad to hear your teeth issues are getting solved. It has taken a lot of courage for you to do this. Some day I'm sure you will be quite content with your permanent ones and enjoy your smile. I got my braces off and I look different too.

On Valentine's Day Stan and I went to Shady Maple Smorgesboard for breadfast. Spur of the moment. Cheryl will remember this place. Anyone who comes to visit gets a trip to Shady Maples.

On Thursday, our three oldest went to New Hampshire with the youth group. A storm has put out the electricity at the facility and they were cold last night. They have a generator in the gym and cafeteriea that has a generator. About 300 kids are there so it is problematic! Today is Sarah's 16th birthday. She hated to be away but we let her choose. We sent a card for John to give her at breakfast, a box of chocolates for David to give her at lunch and a large box of red and white roses to be given to her at dinner by another leader. She called this morning and had gotten the card and everyone was wishing her well and they all sang to her. She said she felt special. Next weekend we are having a party for her here. You may send her a greeting at sarahmaughan@comcast.net

Thank you Cheryl for all the work on Dad's insurance. I think it sounds like what he has is the best. I would also check the meds at AARP. Comparing takes a lot of work. Pharmaceuticals and me don't get along. They cost way to much.

Well, we're headed out to find Sarah some gifts for her special 16 party. Warmly where it's cold. Jeanne

It is COLD

Woke up to 5 this morning.

Yeah, I do have bottom teeth I can live with. Karen gets us gift certificates each year for Christmas and Kelly and I go shopping together for a day. Went to Hobby Lobby. We stopped at the dental place first thing in the morning and I had them by the afternoon. They were just too big. I had to hold my mouth shut. so I just didn't wear them. Believe it or not I have a small mouth inside. The first one didn't fit at all, the second one fit on my gum, but they didn't make the gum and teeth small in proportion. Each time they had me try them on in wax before they made them and they always said, Don't worry about how big and bulky they feel, they are in wax. I have already taken 5 days off work on the crazy things. 3 when I had it done and 2 more on the bottoms, so I was holding off to take another day off. Thse are alot smaller. When I get my permanent ones I will go smaller yet, my lips are a little full yet, but they will do for now. I feel like it changes completely how I look, I will have Rick take some pics and I will put them up here.

We are still trying to find a dog for Dad, really 2, I guess. They are really missing Babe.
I think they are going to Wayne's next weekend to get some furniture up there that is their's. It is just up and back.

As far as the Medicare stuff goes, I think we are staying with what they have in AARP.
Last year in drug and health coverage costs, they paid 4600.00. If he goes on a drug plan, that alone will cost 4000.00 a year. 2 of his drugs are tier3 and one of the drugs isn't on any formulary I found. Niaspan, for his cholestral, which he takes 3 time a day at 500 mg, which is a third more than the normal max dose. So he would have to get health coverage yet with the 600.00 to be ahead, and that isn't possible. The AARP pays 100% of anything that Medicare doesn't. That includes all his deductibles and the 20% of anything thing else he has, including his tests of all sorts. If he would have a bad health year, those costs would wipe them out. Any other health insurance will not cover 100% of those costs. I would still like to go up to the senior center and have them run the numbers as well to be sure. The VA insurance did not pan out for him. AARP does have a drug plan as well, that I want to compare the costs to against what he has. Any one have any thoughts or comments??


Remodel progress

We have been extremely busy with our upstairs remodel. Making progress but still have a lot of work to do. Check the progress out here.
Darren Estelle


So how much ....

snow did you guys get? I bet the kids are having fun.

So John's graduation is on a Wednesday? Just checking, we have talked about coming out with Mom & Dad.

We did go to Hillsdale last Saturday. It was wet snow and a slop mess. Took 8 chickens and 2 geese, but brought 2 chickens back. Dad had said before he didn't want to take a couple of the black chickens up because they a basically his pets, and we told him so don't take them, but when he was catching he got them. Couldn't sleep that night thinking about it. Before we pulled out, I said so don't sell them, we'll bring them back home and we did. He decided to wait a couple of weeks before we go back when it warms ups a bit. It had been nice here, and the week before when they went up just to visit it was pretty crowded, but then the weather had the bad turn.

More later,


Finally snow

Hi all,
After almost two months we are finally getting snow. It has been a warm winter here. The ground is white again and we may get 6-10 inches. Nathan, Benjamin and Rachael took Lily, the golden retriever, outside tonight and hooked her to the sled and she pulled them(one at a time) around the yard. The drab brown outside is now a nice winter wonderland.

Did I mention John's graduation from High School is June 7? Can anyone come? We will also be going down for graduation from his boot camp on October 13. How special to have some of you come to that! It will be at Parris Island , South Carolina. Diane, you could come up!

Love, Jeanne


Good for you .....

on the scrapbooking. Alot of people here do it as well. I am not creative enough to come up with stuff. I have boxes of the kids stuff downstairs. Although our church has scrapbooking days once a month also, that Jeanette organizes. I can scan that picture and get it sent to you. I will talk to Mom and Dad about it.

Have been down to get my teeth worked on the last 2 days. Still having problems with my bottoms. They got the fit good on the bottom, but the gum and teeth are too big for my mouth. I have to hold my mouth shut. This is the second bottom they have made for me. they are the temporary ones, so I don't know if they can change those things now or not til my permanent ones.

Mom and Dad and I are going to Hillsdale Saturday to take some chickens and geese. Ross is going to come down Friday night and help catch and load.

While I have been waiting on my teeth, I have spent time at Ross's with Kayla. She is really growing.

Jeanne, did you let Mom and Dad know when graduation is for John? What are Sarah plans for the future?

Something new

Hi all,

I'm interested in a new hobby. Scrapbooking. I had bought an album from Creative Memories a long time ago and never did anything with it. Last week, some ladies at church who scrapebook had a get together for those of us who don't and helped us get started. I'm starting with my childhood. I'm going to journal too, so my grandchildren can have a good record of me. Cheryl, Mom and Dad have an 81/2 by 11 of me as a baby. Can you scan it for me, duplicate it? That's the youngest picture of me I know of. We are going to get together once a month, so I should make good progress!

Good news for Garrett, the runaway. The family that is caring for him was granted full custody by the judge. Cannot be revoked. He thinks it's a miracle.

Today I took the kids rollerblading. The kids are decent skaters but I'm not so good. I deliberately chose today because the rink has open skate to Organ Music! Yes, the kids groaned but it was my speed. Actually, the music is lively. We had plenty of room as there was only 25 or so Seniors skating. One fellow was 92 and skated the same speed I did, slow. They were glad they went in the end.

I can't believe Sarah is going to be a Junior next year. Soon I will be signing her up for a FREE college class each semester for her last two years. Several schools here offer classes. We will start with one. One semester equals a year of high school credit.

More later,
love all,



Warm here today

but plenty wet and cloudy. We had quite a snow storm earlier in the week, but it warmed back up yesterday and it is all gone. Talking maybe another storm tomorrow, the further south it comes the more snow we should get.

Dad, Jon and Mike Leatherman have left for Wayne's this morning. They are picking up some equipment and Dad's tractor and maybe disc that is up there. They took Jon's semi up there. It will be a quick trip up and back.

Ross and Jess worked on the black truck this week, new brakes and rotors and changed the oil. That was a 2 evening job.

I am coming along better with my teeth. I have not been wearing the bottoms, they are too big and give me an underbite that I don't like. I can go back the week after next and get a new one made, after my mouth is healed up for an impression. the teeth I have now are temps for about a 9 months to a year and then will have permanent ones made. Soreness is pretty much gone, Usually Tylenol at night because my mouth is tired and in the morning.

Kayla is rolling over now. Monday or Tuesday Ross called to tell me. He had missed it the first couple of times, he would turn to look at her and she would be on her belly. But she does it on a regular basis now. she was visiting at Mom and Dad's while they worked on the truck and they got to see her do it.

Lunch time here,



Jeez .......

I thought I had a bad week, but I think you topped me. I thank you for your call, but I wasn't up for talking right then.

Yes all the teeth are gone and some new ones in place. Since the swelling has went down today I have found a piece of tooth still in there in the back I can feel with my tongue. I am going back down tomorrow to get it taken care of and my bottom plate is quite loose right now, I don't even have it in. It was quite a process and will continue to be. My diet is chicken broth for lunch and tomato soup with crackers for supper, maybe some ice cream in between. It all happen Wednesday and that night was quite sad.

Rick, Mom and Dad all went with me, so it was a family affair. Then had to go back Thursday morning for a check of how I was doing. It is healing up nicely, but with the problem bottoms, speech right now is difficult, til I can get them snugged up, hopefully tomorrow. About 3 tylenol every 5-6 hours is where I am at right now.

The kids are all doing well, Amanda's birthday is the 17th, yes, I am the big 50, Mom and Dad had a lovely day for their 52nd anniversary, with dinners out and calls. Kayla is growing and chattering, did you know Ross is Mr. Mom while he is off work?, who would have thought it.... Isaiah has an ear infection, Kara and Darren are working on their upstairs to be ready to move up when the baby comes. Lilly was here for the day Sat. and Sun.

Well, my weekend is winding down, Wish me luck tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a Week

This was one of those weeks that was way too full of events. It doesn't happen often, thankfully. Nothing affected me directly but none the less sent me to my knees in prayer. You may not know that in November a runaway came to our door, a 16 year old fellow from Lancaster city. He hadn't run away far. What a time that first month was as Garrett stayed with families in our church and now is with a family that can keep him till he graduates. Well, the week started with the runaway running away. He is back with the family now and they love him as if he were their own. It's amazing. Then just yesterday, the daughter of this same family was in a serious auto accident and when they got to the hospital they didn't know if she even was alive. They had only heard that it didn't look good. I happened to be at the hospital picking up Sarah from volunteering and so we went right to the ER. Every parents nightmare. It was tense till they found out her injuries and that she can recover. Three days before another teen in our church got hit by a car when her car broke down and she was beside the car flagging it (while dark) She was thrown into the road but her rider was able to stop traffic so she was not run over again. She has lots of broken bones but should also recover. Stan worked A Lot this week as he also had a funeral on top of all these crises. We also found out that a fellow in our Sunday School class broke probation and is back in prison. Many needs! Well, today Stan and I are going to see King Kong and out to eat. I don't cook on Sunday eve. Every one is on their own , so it's a good time for Stan and I to get away. Love, Jeanne


Hey there...

Whew, maybe life will get back to normal a little.

Good week with Diane and James. He got to play alot with the kids and Diane saw alot of people this week. She even baby sat Lilly and Isaiah one day.

Had a good turn out for the Tallman dinner. Jerry and family and April and family were not able to make it. I was looking forward to seeing all the kids. Mark was there and glad to see him. He is having quite a few health problems. I also invited Dorothy and Alvin, she is done with her cancer treatments for now. Also got to see Faith, I know she is around, I just don't see her. I have invited her to the blog. Ruth and Bill brought Billy's girls and Mark's boys were there also.

New Years eve was spent at home with Lilly. We watched Chronicles of Narnia, the ball drop and had cheese and crackers and shrimp cocktail. That is our usual New Years eve ritual.

And of course football was on the agenda for the weekend. Rick had some friends over Monday and they played cards and watched football all day. He has had the last 2 weeks off and was back to work today. Used up the rest of his vacation.

This month holds quite a bit, My 50th, Mom & Dad's 52nd, I'm getting dentures on the 11th, and Mom & Dad have Bible study on the 19th, so some house cleaning to do, although I believe Diane helped out in that department. We are waiting to hear back on Dad's VA insurance so we can finish up his new coverage.
