
Fall happenings

Hi all,
We had a good summer vacation. Now fall is here and we are in the swing of routine. The school year has started out well. Sarah-junior, David-sophomore, Nathan- 7th, Benjamin-5th and Rachael-3rd. As a junior, Sarah can take one free class a semester at Lancaster Bible College and earn college credit and high school credit. This semester she's taking Intro to Literature. She has a great professor and does not feel overwhelmed. This class will count a year of high school English. Sarah and David are also taking an American history class at a co-op for homeschoolers and some other interesting classes for fun like Criminal Science and The Art of Conversation. Nathan is not doing anything special right now. He still specializes in fixing anything that is broken around tthe house. He comes in very handy. Benjamin is interested in Mime (drama) and takes a class for this once a week. Rachael is playing soccer. She is quite good. She looks to be the smallest on her team, but she's all spirit.

Last weekend I attended a conference with 1000 other people which was called Thousands not Billions. The scientists from Institute for Creation Research presented some of their research from the past eight years looking at a number of projects they were doing. It was quite interesting hearing first hand from these scientists. The findings on helium diffusion rates from zircon crystals which should not have any helium at all, and the finding of c14 in coal c14 in diamonds is major. Coal is typically dated at millions of years and diamonds many millions even billions. c14 as you may know has a half life of 5,730 years. With the sophisticated measuring techniques of today even minute amounts of carbon can be detected. The scientists sent all these samples to the best known labs that believe in the old age of the earth. All samples had measurable c14 . There shouldn't have been any.
Anyway, I could say so much more but I will spare you the complicated explanations. Science is the Bibles friend, not foe. This topic has always interested our family, because Stan was an atheist for many years and believed wholeheartedly in the old age of the earth, (evolution)

Other news for us is John's departure for the Marines is now October 16. He can't wait.

Because of his delay, the temperatures will be milder in the south. I'm glad for that. His graduation from boot camp will be in January. I will get a firm date. If you can come please do!!

Also, I will be going to Ohio this weekend for my class reunion. 30 years.

What's everyone else up to?
Love, Jeanne


Hey there,,,,

I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted. We must have been busy.

Got the fair over with. It was alot of work and great fun.

Dad, Kayla and Darren all had birthdays. We took peach pie and ice cream to Mom and Dad's for his birthday. Had a fun party for Kayla's first at SideCut park in Maumee. Got Darren a 'Hoosier Parking only' sign for his garage.

Mom and Dad have been taking turns with their health, back and forth between Dad with coughing spells,( he seems to be coming along) and Mom and her blood pressure (trying to get it leveled off.

Wayne has been talking to Mom and Dad and Hauk has been in the hospital with asthma. He went in Tuesday and maybe came home today.

Let us know what is going on with all of you,
