
John's address

We have gotten 4 letters since John left. In his second letter he wrote, "I love you all intensely to the point of tears." Wow, was that nice to hear. He admits he has been stretched. He seemed a little homesick, as he said he did'nt know what he had until he doesn't have it anymore(meaning us). He came in first in the running in his company with a time of 9:22. I'm thinking it was a two mile. Because of that the "rabbits" do not have to do firewatch. I think that is night duty of some sort. In his most recent letter he said all of the 2nd and 3rd squad had firewatch because they messed up in morning cleanup.. The beds were'nt made well enough . This was not John's squad. So while he was writing us he said instead of 3 on watch there were 26 people roaming around the squad bay. He is enjoying the chapels. He said they are seriously and sincerely about JC.

His graduation is Jan 12. There are two airports nearby. I hope some of you can come to this great occasion. He will be able to come home for 10 days and then return to Camp LeJeune for the School of Infantry.

He said his right shoulder has a strong burning from carrying his rifle. Please pray about this for him! He also said his emotions have been a little unstable at times, but mostly he's had adequate sleep, good meals, and composure.

RCT Maughan, John J. 8566
PLT 3001, 3rd bn, k CO
Box 13001
Parris Island, SC 29905- 3001

All for now,
Love Jeanne


Halloween Photos

Click on the title to see pictures from Halloween. The kids all went and then went back to Mom and Dad's to pick thru their goodies. By the end of the time uptown Lilly and Isaiah both had to be carried. Good time had by all.

Dad, Rick and Jess all going together football game tomorrow night. We made it in the playoffs, playing Hopewell-Loudin there. Suppose to be mighty cold. It is cold here tonight.
