
New Pics

Hey there, the title is a link to new pictures.

Now for the updates:

Jess is back to work, gets unwired April 27 and the screws taken out. He will be put out for that.
He is doing pretty well, keeping his weight up. His menus consist of mashed potatoes, CoCo wheats and a variety of baby food.

Logan is walking and has had his first birthday party.

Isaiah has a new puppy, His name is Foofy. 6 month old, dachshund mix.

Lilly now gets off the school bus here every afternoon. Is doing well in kindergarten.

Kayla is cute as ever. Trying to adjust to Ross going back to work after being home with her for the winter. She's not that happy about it.

Roxanne is getting married May 26 in Las Vegas. Lucy's sister is out there. We have met him in Baton Rouge the other year. Very nice couple. I believe they will both in up in Dallas as dentists.
Wayne if you have an email address for her, I can send her the blog also.

Mom and Dad are doing well. His VA plan is working out well. It is 8.00 per med per month. All done thru the mail. Still has his Part D insurance also, there are some meds that they don't carry that he takes.
We do have them signed up for the campground for the month of August on the lake. Or I guess Diane is finalizing that today. Cost for the month will be 400.00, don't know about tax or whatever. If you can contribute, that can be sent to Diane. They are very excited about it.

Reminder for everyone here, next Saturday is clean up day at the farm.

What's new with you ???