
Happy Halloween!


Happy Birthday Mom !!!!

I believe the plan is for them to go out for supper for her birthday.

The garage should start the beginning of the week. Jess and Dad got the drain put in. Waiting to get the building staked and then will finish off the water and electric when they know for sure where the wall will be.

Heard that Dakota has earned his Eagle Scout award, so congratulations to him.

Jess and Rick have been 4-0 the last 2 weekends in cornhole tourneys. Won money and they each won 2 sets of boards. So now they have started to paint and sell boards as well. They have found buyers in their friends for the boards they have won, and are going to take some up to Bob's at the Tiger Shop.

That's all for now, take care everyone

Love Cheryl


Thankfully, Stan and I were

able to see Carolyn on Wednesday. She only felt ill for four weeks. She will be missed by all who knew her. She is safely home now. It's good to tell our friends and family we love them regularly.

Some of the family went to Ocean City, NJ last Monday. That day was a little cool but we still enjoyed the time. Yesterday, Stan and I took Rachael to the Philadelphia Zoo. Rachael and I took the train and Stan met us at the other end in the morning so Rachael could ride a train. It is only one hour from Lancaster by train.

It's quiet here now. Everyone has something going on.

Next week I will start helping with an immunization clinic for immigrants at thelocal rescue mission. It's a couple times a month. Slowly getting my skills up.

Stan just finished a little series called Understanding Islam. It has drawn a lot of interest. It was a prelude to Things to Come, his next series. Some of you heard Stan talk about this while here for David's graduation. In Ezekial 38-39 the countries that come against Israel are mostly Islamic. Stan believes we have a good possibility tosee this prophecy soon.come to pass. Most Bible scholars believe we are in the last days. If you're interested we are uploading his sermons on the church website. The site is not up right now so I'll have to let you know. I think it's central manorchurch.org

Love to you all, Jeanne


It has been a month already.....

since I posted ???????

Sorry about your comment so late David. I didn't know that would be moderated. Just saw it tonight.

On to news, first of all Kayla's 4th birthday was Sept. 4 and Darren's birthday was Sept.5. Had party at at Ross and Amanda's.

Got the fair over and then got caught back up at home.

Jess and Rick took 1st place in the cornhole tourney at the Fulton County fair last week. The night before the tourney had a big hoopla here with the guys they all play with and they played until 2:00am. They are actually running one at the Liberty Fall Festival this coming Saturday.

In the process of putting up the shed at the pond. We put together the frame for the roof and hope to get it set on the walls tomorrow night. Will make a decision on the garage this week and get started on it.

On another note, Jeanne and Stan lost a good friend they lived by when they first moved to PA. 20 years ago. Carolyn, a 50 year old mother of 2 high school girls died after finding out she had breast cancer 3 months ago. Please keep her family in your prayers and Jeanne and Stan and their loss.

Love all, Cheryl


More Happy Birthdays !!!

Isaiah was 6 on Wednesday and his party is tomorrow. And Dad will be 79 on tomorrow.

Had a great time with the girls here and they got alot of work done. The wood shed is down and they should have picked up the trash container yesterday. Will post some pics later, I did find my camera, was in my purse !!

Spent most of the week at the fairgrounds getting ready. First full day was today. Rick and I worked all day and Jess and Kristi are working tonight. Kara and family came up for supper when we were leaving. I was tired and my feet and back were aching. Will start agin tomorrow, but take the later afternoon off for Isaiah's party and to visit with Dad.

Diane, I sent you a new invite, follow the prompts.

Later, Love Cheryl


Had a full weekend...

and glad to be back to work to rest up !!

Diane and James is here and Kevin and Meghan will be here tomorrow.

Friday night went to a Toledo Mudhens game with the Davis Farm group. Food and Drinks included. Saturday was a cornhole tourney in Lyons that the guys took 2nd place and $75.00 and t-shirts. Lilly and I watched for the day, went looking for garage sales.. Then a couple of guys came back to house and the cornhole went on until about 1:00 am. Sunday was church and then cornhole at the Hamler Summerfest. They came in fourth and no prize money. Took James with us and him and Lilly played in the junior tourney. So it was fun and the brats and german potato salad was good. Went back to Mom and Dad's where Ross and family and Kara and family were. Guys were fishing and the rest of us just relaxing. Kayla and Kallie came to our house to spend the night with Lilly and Jess is watching them today.

Moving the incubators out of the wood shed today, and getting ready for it to come down. Put out feelers for estimates today, to see what we get.