
Had a full weekend...

and glad to be back to work to rest up !!

Diane and James is here and Kevin and Meghan will be here tomorrow.

Friday night went to a Toledo Mudhens game with the Davis Farm group. Food and Drinks included. Saturday was a cornhole tourney in Lyons that the guys took 2nd place and $75.00 and t-shirts. Lilly and I watched for the day, went looking for garage sales.. Then a couple of guys came back to house and the cornhole went on until about 1:00 am. Sunday was church and then cornhole at the Hamler Summerfest. They came in fourth and no prize money. Took James with us and him and Lilly played in the junior tourney. So it was fun and the brats and german potato salad was good. Went back to Mom and Dad's where Ross and family and Kara and family were. Guys were fishing and the rest of us just relaxing. Kayla and Kallie came to our house to spend the night with Lilly and Jess is watching them today.

Moving the incubators out of the wood shed today, and getting ready for it to come down. Put out feelers for estimates today, to see what we get.

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