
Going, going , gone

Hi all,
We will be leaving in an hour. We had a great visit with Mom and Dad. The dogs really enjoyed playing together. Believe it or not Little Katie usually had the upper hand with Lily the pinned to the ground. John's graduation was awesome. We are so proud of him. He enjoyed his two years at Penn Manor. He graduated above 4.o and also honors. His class rank was in the 20s out of 450 We get his final standing with his transcript. Please hear my bragging as I have no one else I've bragged to. Finally, yesterday, the decision was made for John to delay his entry to the Marines. It was disappointing for him, but he also believes that God is in this and has a plan. After he's over this illness, has to wait another six months before he is allowed to proceed to boot camp etc. I think if he's feeling better by the fall he will take classed at college. Too soon to say anything for sure. In the meantime, I have found some good things to help him to hopefully speed his recover. I am still pursuing mono and we have an Epstein Barr panel coming back this weekend and I will be anxious to see the results.

Need to go, Diane when are you going home this summer?
Love Jeanne

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