
It is HOT here ....

We won't being do much this week-end. Do have a start on the grain truck getting loaded with junk for a land-fill run. Rick and I got some stuff loaded up last night but then Martha stopped over there to visit so that ended Dad's supervision.

Diane and the kids will be home the 20th thru the 30th, so she will be going with us for the heart cath on the 25th. We have to be down there at 7:oo and will do it at 9:30 am.

Jess has got alot done at the pond, trees trimmed, mowing, stuff pulled out of the pond, and a bad case of poison ivy. He is going to the doctor today, can't get it under control.

Isaiah is pretty much potty trained. When he does real good he gets to go to Sterlings and pick out a surprise, right now he is on rope gum. And I bought him some Blues Clues under wear and matchbox cars. He will show you his 'big boy underwear' at will.

This week is VBS, so Lilly has been there every night.

I have included a pic of Kayla at 9 months and Logan at 2 months together.

Jeanne is talking about coming home at fair time, second week in August, and even working the fair stand as a great way to see alot of people she knows. LOL

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