
Great News ...........

Mom and Dad got the call Saturday night at 6:30 that he had an appointment at the VA today at 8:30 am. He is all set up on his prescriptions adn his meds bill will drop from 400-500.00 a month to 42.00 for a 3 month supply (6 prescriptions at 7.00 each) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 years and all the paper work have paid off !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy, they are happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a big relief for them.

Jeanne, tell Lois as we had talked about it in South Carolina. Or does she even have phone service with the snow !!!?????

We are having the big storm now. Everything closed about 12 -2:00 pm today and closed tomorrow. Did you get it Wayne, and Jeanne it is probably headed your way. Come on up Diane !!!!!!!!!!!

Love Cheryl

1 comment:

jeanne said...

That is BIG news. Dad called this morning to wish me a Happy Valentine and told me about it. He was nervous and his BP showed it. It was 164/94. Way high for him. We are also getting a nice storm, but not like you. We have about6 to 10 inches and it is blowing hard. Dad thought we might be on the southern end of the storm. Nathan,Benjamin and Rachael have been outside, but not for long. I made hot chocolate for them when they came in.
John is doing well at School of Infantry. Yesterday it was 60 where they are and I believe the rain that came held off until they had hiked out to their bivuac(camp) site. Now they are outside for three days. They have been doing this for three weeks. One week it was quite cold in the mornings. He is able to email on the weekends and call. He is anxious to be back home. He is a homebody for sure. Pray for his left knee, which troubles him but he keeps going. Cheryl, what has happened to the little video clips that Rick took at Parris Island? Jeanne