
A few updates.....

Today is Amanda's birthday, she is 31. Mom, Dad, Rick, Jess and I went out for dinner for my birthday last Monday, and then they went to Shuckers for their anniversary on Thursday. They also went to a surprise party for Delmar on Saturday.

We are going to get them a computer on Saturday and their internet will get hooked up on Tuesday, so they are going to want emails. I will send out their address as soon as I get them going. Dad wants to do that, and also when he watches the news they always say, 'more information on our website'. So I think he will have fun messing around on it. He has wanted one for a while and I just haven't gotten to it.

For anyone who has not talked to them in a week or so, they did determine that Mom has early stage alzheimers. She is on a medication to help with memory loss and will go back in a month. At her appointment they have a set of questions and memory tests that target those things and she did not do so well. Of course her attitude is good as always. I am trying to talk them into Meals on Wheels to help out a little.

All the little kids are doing well. Lilly continues to do well in school. She is in Advanced Reading, but has trouble folowing directions. ( Imagine that !!) Isaiah made me a birthday with a picture on it. After he gave it to me he took it back and folded up to a little square and whispered to me,
" Just put this in your pocket and don't show it to anyone because everyone will want one and there will just be a fight over it'. Cracked me up !! We had cake and ice cream at Kara's. Kayla is just too cute as always. She is really liking to talk on the phone. I love telling her 'I love you' and her quiet little voice always says 'love you' back. Her and Logan are a little close in age and don't generally see eye to eye. She basically will do what ever it is to make him mad and it doesn't take much to make him mad. She will ride the scooter and pull the cart so he can't have either one. They are in a power struggle right now. She was 2 in September and he will be 2 in April.

That's it for now, anyone else have an update ?????


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