
Lots happening

Hey all,
Just thought I'd drop a quick note. Lots going on here. We had a nice send off gathering for John on May 10th. Our backyard was full of people as we had a barbeque and campfire for John.
Today I've been busy getting Sarah ready for her 'formal'. The homeschoolers all around here have a nice meal etc. at a very nice hotel and then they will have an all night 'after formal'. I'm a chaperone for the whole thing along with other moms on the formal committee so I will be staying up all night too! Lots of memories here. Then tomorrow John begins five days of admin stuff at the Harrisburg offices of the Marines. That will end with a huge Family Day Picnic with the whole company on May 22. John comes home with us that day and has the weekend with us. On May 26 we will say our goodbyes and the next day they all fly to 29 Palms, CA. I am busy helping him do final packing also. Stan is trying to get emails together for group emails when John has a chance to send something you also can get it. Send me your emails so I can be sure you are on the list. jeannemaughan@comcast.net I better go get myself ready for this all nighter. Love, Jeanne

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