
Happy Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all enjoying this day. Blessings to all.

Stan and I got the turkey in early and then went for our routine walk. Nice day out and no wind, perfect. We ate at noon and then I promptly took a nap. Boy did that feel good. I could hardly wake up. Tonight we are getting ready to light a fire in the fireplace and drink cider and watch a movie. Tomorrow morning we will leave for Fowler's Hollow State Park with the camper for an overnight. We have two little space heaters to keep us warm. This is supposed to be fun! I'm hoping I stay warm! There are some great sales at Kohls early tomorrow and David wants to go so perhaps I will go with him before we leave. All before 8 AM.

I'm hoping John calls this evening. While watching detainees, he is at a desk with a phone which he can use for 20 minutes. It's been real nice to hear his voice. This month long assignment will end this week and we haven't heard what is next. They had a nice meal too. Yesterday he said the Iraqis who work in the chow hall were busy with preparations. They are very nice to the Marines.

Last week John participated in a competition with 12 Marines who are learning advanced Marine Corps Martial Arts. They competed one on one in a tournament. John won the tournament! Wow. He is running a lot too. I wouldn't want to cross him!! He's ready to come home. And we will be glad when he is.

Well, they are ready for the movie. More later. Love to all, Jeanne


Rick & Cheryl said...

Wow Jeanne nice job, picture and all. Good day here too. Glad to hear about John and what he is doing. I know Dad and Mom have a care package ready to send and I will too soon. I agree, it is a little cool for camping for my tastes.......... Have fun.

Diane said...


Diane said...

Now that Kevin tested twice, I'll send a letter.

We had a nice Thanksgiving also, the neighbors came over for appitizers at noon and I put our turkey in at 2:00. We ate out on the picnic table on the patio, that table is bigger and I fixed enough food for way more than just us four but I wanted leftovers. James has a baseball tournament this weekend starting today. He's also playing basketball for the town team. only rec. no travel. He's doing well (for him) in school. and seems very happy, that's our goal. Meghan is also playing basketball for the town. no school basketball to many politics. several girls didn't go out this year so they are also playing for the town, that will make it fun. She still is doing the straight A's so no problem there. Some of you may know Kevin went to the Cleveland Clinic to seek new eyes, looking for something different than just maintaining his back, they do have options in the surgery area. He's having his family doctor call down there and get all the info, so we understand what it will involve. I told mom the other day, if Kevin has anything done I would like them to fly down to help me, (the Cleveland Clinic is about 1 1/2 hours south of here, I can't be at two places at once, and of course have no one else to help, any offers if they refuse??? anyway the first comment was what about the dogs. I offered Jess to stay at their house (sorry Jess)more info on that later. I also am getting a package ready for John. I'm sure he'll be shocked but appreciative. Love to you all, Diane