
Hey, what's everyone doing?

Hope all is well.

Been raining here and not much crop work done. May is going to be pretty busy. When it dries out, the farmers will be at it hard. Because of that I will not be going to Jeanne's for Davids' graduation May 29th, unless it is raining that week and it would work, but I believe the plan is right now for Jess to go with them. The plan is for them to go out Thursday and leave Sunday. I'm sorry I will have to miss, had a good time there last spring.

Mom and Dad have been getting some yard work done and mowing along. They bought a new shed for the pond. Jess went with them last week to pick it up.

We have mowed at home and got a few trees down out of the back lot, trying to clear it up a little. Need to spray some 2,4D to keep the weeds down and let the grass grow. Still pretty wet back there yet from all the rain. Mosquitos will be bad back there. Have to get some donuts for the water.

Got some windows and window sills cleaned last weekend. Going to get an open trash container at Dad's to start in on the basement and barn and wood shed. They really want to get rid of some of that stuff.

Ross is back to work, Jess is still off.

Kids are all good. Kallie had her baptism April 19, and then we all went out for dinner. I will post some pics when I get home. Lilly and Isaiah will be starting summer ball pretty soon. Lilly's last day of school is May 22.

Hope you all got to see the video of John's homecoming. I am trying to download it to my computer so we always have it. I downloaded a program to make it happen, but have not had success yet at saving it and being able to play it. I will continue to try. It probably won't always be online so I was trying to save it.

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