
Finally posting

Can't believe it took me this long to post. To back up a little, we had a grand time when everyone came out for David's graduation. Wish that could happen more. We hope Jess and Lillie will come back and stay longer and go do some day trips from here and make a nice vacation of it.

The summer seems quiet here because the older three come and go. John is having a great time taking it easy, seeing friends and making plans for the future. Those plans include Elizabeth Martinke who he met at college last year. They are officially courting/dating. She is super nice. She is from Buffalo, NY. She will return to Lancaster in the fall. For now they are writing letters which John prefers to talking on the phone.

Sarah just finished her Anatomy and Physiology class for nursing school. She took the summer class to lighten her load this fall. Now she will work more at Cherry Hill Orchards Outlet.

David has decided to attend Lancaster Bible College also in the fall. He received a number of nice scholarships from them and can commute. We are starting to look for a car for him so he can come and go to classes and stuff. That's fun for him. He got a full time job at a Turkey Hill store, which is a chain of mini market/gas store. It was hard to find a job and he finally got this job by having the resume from online printed off and in hand and walked into the store. The manager was in and liked him.

Nathan is in Alabama right now for two and a half weeks helping a friend of ours add on to their church. He is doing wiring this time. This is his third time down. The highlight was flying in a small two seat plane from Pensacola to Dothan AL. The pilot let him fly the plane. We sent one of our phones with him so we call and stay connected.

Ben and Rachael are justing hanging out at home this summer. They both worked picking strawberries earlier this month and go a little money. The pool is up and they are using it this week to stay cool.

Work with the private duty nursing is going well. I find I only work about a day a week. That works well for me. I have been busy doing the garden produce up and freezing strawberries and cherries. I picked around 60 pounds of cherries this week and froze them. Tomorrow the kids want to get some sour cherries for pies. My freezer is getting full.

Hey Cheryl, please keep faithfully posting. I hope more of us start posting so we can stay in touch with each other. I tried to look at your other pics you posted but this computer is terrible.
I will probable come home late July/early August. I was to be a leader for a group coming from Japan(high schoolers) but they cancelled due to the swine flu so now my whole August is freed up.
Love to all, Jeanne


June is almost over...

and it is pretty warm here. Air was out one night, but the repair man right in the next morning.

Had a good Fathers' Day. Went to pond after church and I got some sun and Rick fished. After their nap, Mom and Dad came back, and the kids came around later in the afternoon and we had pizza for supper.

That is a picture of a baby snapping turtle Rick found in the front yard. He now has a happy home at the pond. Probably couldn't have been hatched out more than a couple of days.

Pictures from Las Vegas here

Had a great time. Stayed downtown on Fremont Street.

Diane will be home July 25 to August 11, James with her, Kevin and Meghan for 5 or 6 days of that, in on the 28th or close to that. Heard rumor that Jeanne would be her August 4th or there about. Don't know for how long. thru the weekend ??

Ball games almost over.



If you click the title it will take you to miscellaneous pictures for you to look at.

Lilly and Isaiah both had their first games of the season this week. Both did very well.
June will be full. Their season only last that long.

They have built (Jess and Dad) a large cage for the dogs on the north side of the machine shed and a garage behind the house is in the works for this summer.

And Monday we leave for VEGAS !!!!!!!!! Rick has never been there and the only time I was there was with Jeanne a LONG time ago.We are very excited and should have a great time. there wil be about 15 going all together. We leave on the 8th and will be back the 15th. Bowling will be the 11th and 12th. Probably my last blog til we get back. Wish us luck.........


Happy Birthday Jeanne

Today is her lucky day and Diane's is coming right up.

I heard graduation was a great success. Congratulations to David on his accomplishment. Jess and Lilly had a great time. He took Rachel and Lilly to Hershey for an afternoon. Went with John to buy a weight set. Told Stan he could have a driving range in that yard. Jeanne kept them well fed.