

If you click the title it will take you to miscellaneous pictures for you to look at.

Lilly and Isaiah both had their first games of the season this week. Both did very well.
June will be full. Their season only last that long.

They have built (Jess and Dad) a large cage for the dogs on the north side of the machine shed and a garage behind the house is in the works for this summer.

And Monday we leave for VEGAS !!!!!!!!! Rick has never been there and the only time I was there was with Jeanne a LONG time ago.We are very excited and should have a great time. there wil be about 15 going all together. We leave on the 8th and will be back the 15th. Bowling will be the 11th and 12th. Probably my last blog til we get back. Wish us luck.........

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