
I don't have .....

pictures yet but will get them today and post to the blog, but I can tell you a little about her. Born January 8, blond golden retriever named Kate. She potties in the house, chews on the table legs, pulls out the carpet in the living room and jumps on the furniture, won't come in when they call her, and Dad is happy. So right now unless someone is holding her or she is laying with Dad on the couch, she is confined to the kitchen. She is a little fuzz ball. They got her from Terry Davis, on my way to work, I saw they had a sign out and call Mom & Dad and talked about it some. That night Mom called to see what I had found out and that was nothing, I didn't know I was supposed to. So I call Terry the next day and got details, called Mom & Dad back, and they were going to talk some more and go check them out. 20 minutes later they pulled into Davis at Delta with her.

Took them over to Ridgeville last night for the fish fry. They have one every Friday night in the winter. They were to Wayne's and back this week to pick up furniture that was Grandma & Grandpa Hecklers that was in storage. It was just an up and back trip. They will be going to Diane's sometime this week, maybe leaving Wednesday?

Kara is coming along good with about 6 weeks to go, the upstairs is almost ready for the baby. Isaiah has a baby in his belly also and when you ask him will lift up his shirt and push his stomach in and out so you can see it move.

Lilly has a birthday coming up and will be 5 on the 18th on March.

You could see from the pictures earlier that Kayla is doing well. Mom and Dad got to babysit her while Ross and Amanda took a walk to the woods while she was sleeping on Mom. Mom knows she can only sit there with any of them. When she woke up Dad took her for a while and laid her down on the floor to she if she wanted to play for a while. She puckered up that bottom lip so fast when he let go of her. So he scooped her up and they continued to hold her til they got back.

Well I have got to get some work done here, have a good week-end.

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