
Lucky Jeanne....

on going to Florida. I am glad they will have someone to drive back with them, I am concerned about the drive down. Sorry I took so long to post back, Jeanne thought they had went and was back, so I'm glad she could work it out.Hope you all have a great time and wish I was there.

Do you know Dad has shingles right now? He can't leave it alone, I told him to keep calamine lotion on it, to heal it up, and keep from itching.

We are having a birthday party for Lilly tomorrow. Can you believe she is 5?

Speaking of birthday's, I think the new baby's birthday, may be April 4. Logan James or Chloe Ann. Darren has finished the upstairs and the baby room is officially ready.

Jeanne, you are in the 'Remember When' in the Liberty Press this week. Check it out when you get it. Kara was in a couple of weeks ago, for when they went to regional basketball.

Elmer Carpenter died this week.

Kate is a handful for Mom and Dad. She is keeping them busy and has eliminated their nap times. She is up at 6:00 each morning. They really wish she could make the trip also, but think that will be a little too far for her.

Well that's it for now,

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