
Good morning

Logan and Kara are coming home today. Kara is doing quite well, she was sick after the delivery with nausea for a few hours, but has bounced right back.Will be posting more pics soon.

Lilly spent the night and Pam and Jerry have to leave at 10:00 this morning, so Isaiah will be coming over until they get home . They have been here since Wednesday morning and have been taking care of him and taking him over to the hospital a couple times a day. Darren has been back and forth, some nights staying and some nights not, so he can put Isaiah to bed, that is usually his job and Isaiah was missing that.

Tomorrow there is an Easter egg hunt at the sportsman club and I am going to take them over there.

Next four days are supposed to be great here, sunny and 60. I need to get in that yard. We are having a work day at Mom and Dad's in the 22. We hope to go to Hillsdale next Saturday and get bunnies for the kids. Should have went today, but it wasn't going to work out.

Got to go,


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