
to catch up....

Alot going on this week. First of all the death of Kevin's dad. I will be picking him this afternoon at the airport. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. I don't know how long he is staying.

Mom and Dad are almost back. They called this morning as they left Jeanne's. I guess the drive up the coast wasn't all Dad had hoped for. Bad traffic. They have had a good trip but are anxious to get home. They will be surprised at how Kate has grown. It was a pretty long drive for Dad and I believe this will be their last driving trip alone to the south.

'Logan James' birthday is tomorrow. 7:30 am. I will be going over in the morning to stay with Isaiah and then take him over to see his new brother. Isaiah will be the first one to see him and Kara wants to see Isaiah see him so it will be over an hour before that happens. We were laughing over the week-end how Kayla will be the big girl now.

She is the nubbiest thing. 7 months now. Ross started back to work this week, so that will be a huge transition for them all.

Spring is right around the corner here, so it will be busy here, work will be hopping and alot of yard work to do at home.

This is Lilly's last month at preschool and will start kindergarten this fall. Her and Isaiah are still best buds. Last night as soon as she got to our house, she started in, 'Can I call Kara, I wonder what Isaiah is doing tonight'. So he came over and it gave Kara and Darren a couple of hours.

Well that is it for now. Hope all is well where you are.

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