
Update on Mom

They are still holding off on the oxygen. They put her on a medication that works like Viagra and opens the blood vessels in her heart and they believe they can repair the damage. In a couple of weeks they will do a test at Fulton County with something attached to her ear lobe and while walking, it will measure the oxygen in her blood to see if it has made a difference in her levels.

Wayne it has been up for discussion to pool our money to paint the house over there. Jess will be doing the labor. We know with your job situation over the winter that may not be possible for you and that is fine. I am going to try to get an estimate next week on a total cost. I will throw it out for consideration then.

This fall I will also revisit the prescription plan situation. Since the plans have went into effect the cost of the meds has went up considerably. I will be running the numbers again to see where they stand, with the cost of signing up.

Any comments, let me know.


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