
I'm finally it

Thanks for your help! We are getting into the swing of fall activities here. We've been doing school for three weeks. Tomorrow Sarah, David and Nathan start classes at a local co-op too. They meet once a week for class. Sarah is taking Speech and Writing and Psychology, David is taking just Psychology and Nathan is taking Civics/Geography and Health. The boys are in a large choir and Sarah is in the orchestra. Sarah is a senior this year. I can't believe it. Her graduation is June 6 2008. She will participate in a graduation with other homeschool students from Lancaster County. All year long they have activities and get togethers to help them get to know each other. It will be a busy year for her. Sarah and David also each take a free college class at Lancaster Bible College.

John is loving college. He is also at Lancaster Bible College. He runs cross country and loves that too. His drill weekends with the Marines come so fast. This weekend it is here again. He is settling into that routine also.

I need to go eat lunch but will fill everyone in more later. Jeanne

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