
Happy New Year !!!!!

Hope you have a great one. Rick and I will be having
shrimp cocktail and watching movies.

Mom and Dad went out for supper with Delmar and
Carol and then back to their house for the evening.
I am happy for the blessings we had this year, and
looking forward to the new year and things I can
do better and look forward to this year.

Christmas was good. Candlelight service was
canceled due to the ice, so that was a disappointment.
From Rick I got a digital photo frame that also plays
music and videos, so I have been having a great time
with that. I have it all loaded up. He said it was for me
to take to work, but I like having it here and adding
pics and songs all the time. When I get time I will put
up a link with all the Christmas pics.

We will have another big year ahead.
Mom and Dad's 55 years, John coming home,
David will graduate I think, Rick and I
will be doing Vegas in June for bowling tourney,
Cooperstown in July and whoever is coming
home during the summer.

that's it for now,


Merry Christmas Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping all of you and yours has a Wonderful Merry Christmas.

We will be having dinner at 6:00, Christmas service at 7:30 and then presents after church.
Everyone will be there, so it should be great. I will be thinking of all of you and wishing blessings to you.

Everything is ice here and then covered with water, so quite scary sometimes. Big shortage of salt and too expensive so the state and county aren't using much. In fact the county none, except for intersections.

Please continue to keep John in your prayers. I have sent him the link and subscription to the blog, but he has not been able to activate, and I don't know if he has been able to visit or not.

All Our Love,
Rick and Cheryl


Good Morning

Hello Everyone,

I don't think I told you that Nathan got a doe and a buck this year. They were both good size. He was sooo proud of the buck. His first. It was an 8 point, too. He butchered it with the help of his brothers and sisters. I kept the tenderloin and made it into jerky. I am getting ready to send some to John.
For Christmas we are having Doug and Stephanie and Lois here. I am looking forward to that. I already have a menu planned as they will be here for several days. I'm wanting to have some snow here to brighten things up and it would be nice for Christmas.
I want to recommend a book that is popular right now, even on the New York Times best seller list, What in the World is Going On, by David Jeremiah my former pastor when I lived in Fort Wayne. ( He's long since left Fort Wayne) It's about the end times, which is beginning in the here and now! I don't have too many former pastors as my current pastor tends to follow me around! :)

Love, Jeanne


Good Morning

Just cleaning up and listening to Mariah Carey Christmas CD. Thinking of everyone, hope you are well.
Rick and I went to Toledo for shopping and supper. Dec. 12 is our anniverary. 21 years, can you believe it.
Took Mom and Dad Thursday night for their shopping, had a good trip and nice time.
Still working out the details for the oxygen. Hopefully will be soon.
Nothing else much, just was thinking of everyone, and wanted to say hello.
Love Cheryl