
Happy New Year !!!!!

Hope you have a great one. Rick and I will be having
shrimp cocktail and watching movies.

Mom and Dad went out for supper with Delmar and
Carol and then back to their house for the evening.
I am happy for the blessings we had this year, and
looking forward to the new year and things I can
do better and look forward to this year.

Christmas was good. Candlelight service was
canceled due to the ice, so that was a disappointment.
From Rick I got a digital photo frame that also plays
music and videos, so I have been having a great time
with that. I have it all loaded up. He said it was for me
to take to work, but I like having it here and adding
pics and songs all the time. When I get time I will put
up a link with all the Christmas pics.

We will have another big year ahead.
Mom and Dad's 55 years, John coming home,
David will graduate I think, Rick and I
will be doing Vegas in June for bowling tourney,
Cooperstown in July and whoever is coming
home during the summer.

that's it for now,

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