
Good Morning

Hello Everyone,

I don't think I told you that Nathan got a doe and a buck this year. They were both good size. He was sooo proud of the buck. His first. It was an 8 point, too. He butchered it with the help of his brothers and sisters. I kept the tenderloin and made it into jerky. I am getting ready to send some to John.
For Christmas we are having Doug and Stephanie and Lois here. I am looking forward to that. I already have a menu planned as they will be here for several days. I'm wanting to have some snow here to brighten things up and it would be nice for Christmas.
I want to recommend a book that is popular right now, even on the New York Times best seller list, What in the World is Going On, by David Jeremiah my former pastor when I lived in Fort Wayne. ( He's long since left Fort Wayne) It's about the end times, which is beginning in the here and now! I don't have too many former pastors as my current pastor tends to follow me around! :)

Love, Jeanne

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hello everyone, I cant's wait until Christmas break, no school, no homework and no sports, for 2 weeks. I am also off that time, Dr. Cole always shuts the office down. It will be soooo nice not to be on a time schedule!!! We're not ready for Christmas yet but will get there. James had a baseball triple header yesterday in Ft. Lauderdale. It was fun, the boys could have, should have played better, but they had fun, and they are getting better the more they play. No we didn't win any. James
1st basketball game was last Saturday, they won. I don't know many on the team yet as he hasn't played for 2 years, but his coach really thinks James has great athletic ability, and speed and thats why he drafted him. He sent an email saying that, I thought that was nice. Meghan's basketball team lost 40-50, Meghan scored 22 of the points made, not to bad!! Kevin and I havn't heard anything further from his family doctor. I'll be putting a call in this week!!! to get some answers. My office Christmas party was last Friday. Dr. Cole took us to Saw Grass Mall in Ft. Lauderdale via limo. She gives us cash to spend only on ourselves and at lunch when we prove we've spent it on ourselves she gives a little more cash. I bought a watch Citizens name. It's really pretty but plain, two tone gold/silver with a square face, bracelet style.
Now about mom and oxegyn. She will no doubt feel better, One of my friends here, has a mom on it. She won't run a marathon but she'll have more energy and not be so tired. The only inconvience is the container. Cheryl remember the fanny pack doesn't hold much air so you have to change it alot. She may be better with the original metal case with carrier. A little heavy though. Maybe a little of both types, depending on what they are doing, but the container can not be an excuse to not go anywhere!!!! Time to get dressed gotta go for now. Love to you all.
Dinae and family.