

Well we all made it thru the cold snap. I think the coldest night was -19. coldest day -5. I don't know for sure what the wind chills were. Going to get up to 22 today. 12 right now and snowing again. Rick had fuel line feeze up last night when he went to town. I had told him to put on a heavier coat than his leather, and he did, but his gloves were in the other coat, so he was still mad when he got home because his hands were numb. Dad had all the animals in. The first day Rick had went over and helped him get the geese in the machine shed. There was enough snow and cold enough, Rick just walked up and carried them in.

No comments on the lovely little picture book? You guys must not have gotten the same kick out of it that I did.

There will not be a trip to Cooperstown in July, so if anyone starts to make summer plans let us all know.

Talk to you later, Cheryl


Diane said...

Hey everyone, It is even cold down here but I won't tell you the temp for fear of being laughed at. Ross and Amanda and the babies are planning to come down if everything works out. I can't wait, it'll be crowded but we don't mind. James and Meg had basketball games today, James won, Meg lost by 5. good games, James has baseball tomorrow and next weekend a tourn Fri, Sat, Sun. should be fun. Kevin going through a rough time right now. hopefully some answers soon. Take care, Love to everyone Diane

jeanne said...

Yes, I thought the picture album was a neat idea. I watched it several times and all the kids did too. Thanks for doing that. I bet Mom and Dad liked it too. I wish I knew how to do all that cool stuff.