
Can't wait for Spring..........

Had enough of the cold and wet. Got alot of rain this week, but trying to dry out now.

Rick was off for the month of January, but back to work now. Jess is still off work and no hopeful sign on when he will go back. Ross is just waiting for good weather to get back at it. I am ready for season here at Davis'

Ross and Amanda and girls went to Dianes' for a week in February. Had a good time and great weather there. The girls are doing great, cannot believe Kallie will be one March 19. Her party is March 21. Went down last week and watched Kayla at gymnastics practice.

Lilly had been on a bowling league this winter that Rick signed her up for, and is doing pretty well. Actually won her way into a district tourney and Jess is going to get her a ball for her birthday March 18 ( will be 8) and having a bowling birthday party. He had also signed up Isaiah, but he was not quite ready for every week yet. Maybe next year. They did bowl in a Sweetheart tourney on February 14, with one child and one adult that they won. Got a plaque and their picture in the paper. Of course none of the other bowlers had a 'pro' bowler on their team.

Isaiah and Logan are doing well. Isaiah has been in preschool at St. Augustines all year and will be registering for kindergarten in April. He will also start T-ball this spring.

The most current update on Candace is they went for her MRI at Cleveland yesterday and will be going back Monday to start chemo and radiation, 5 days a week, for 6 weeks. After that, the plan is 10 months of radiation back here in Toledo. We are still praying for the best but just don't know.

Mom and Dad are well, it fact pretty good right now. Jess has been going over to help him clean out the barn and I am going to make a big effort to clean up downstairs. It is working well having the cleaning ladies come in every other week. He does want to put up a garage this year and paint the roof of the barn. So there are a couple of projects in the works.

Anyone have plans for the summer yet ?????? We are going to National bowling in Vegas this year, so that should be fun. June 8 - 14, Rick has never been there and I have not been there since Jeanne and I were there, a l o n g time ago. Mom and Dad are planning a trip to Minnesota at the end of May. If you remember them talking about 'Swede and his wife' who were in the navy with them in Pensicola. They usually stopped to see Mom and Dad on their way thru to Florida every few years. They stopped going to Florida, so they have not seen them in a few years and she is not doing well, in a home now, and Mom and Dad would like to see them one more time.

Talk again soon, Cheryl


Diane said...

Well I feel sorry for you all in the cold, it's beautiful down here. Sunny and 80's. What I have to complain about is to dry. We are in an extreme drout. We don't have a sprinkler system in ground anyway so I move hoses around a couple times a week. We are suspose to get rain next week.
Meghan made the JV flag football team. she is the running back. her first game is Monday March 16. This is the first year for her to play flag football.
James is of course playing baseball. the season started for the nice fields (mom dad and Jess have been to) last Monday he's on a pretty good team. I secretly saw the evaluation results and out of 175 boys James evaluated at #10 not to bad.
Kevin and I are doing well, no one in our family got the flu this year but our friends who got it were down for a week, each time!!
Love to you all. Diane and family

jeanne said...

Hello Everyone,
We are doing well here. We are counting down the days till John comes home. Very soon they will move to Kuwait and then return to California. The first of April Stan is also going to be out there in San Diego for a conference. So wouldn't that be neat if they could spend a day together. They're not getting their hopes up too high, but they will see if something works out. Tearful reunions are coming!
Sarah got a job at Lancaster General Hospital! This is great news. She is starting the nursing program in the fall and wanted to get in at the hospital as a patient care assitant. This will help put her through school and the hospital may also help pay her way as an employee. Now if things come together for David we will be set here. He graduates May 29. He's still wanting to study linguistics and translate the Bible into a language that does not yet have it. He also loves music and wants to minor in music. In fact, last week we all went to hear his band of friends perform at the Ad Lib Cafe. A small little place, but none the less a public performance. David is the vocalist and his friends play guitar, drums etc. He has a very natural stage appearance.
I also have been getting interested in working a little again so I checked into private duty nursing. I have been studying and boning up on my knowledge and was hired. I want to work one day a week, mainly on the weekend. The schedule is very flexible, I tell them when I can work and they fit me in.
I'm enjoying a little quiet here at the moment. A local Rita's shop opens today and is giving away free Italian ice and everyone is gone.
David, Nathan and Benjamin are also running track at the high school. The meets start soon.
Love, Jeanne