
Spring is coming ????

Don't know if you all get Stan's letters on John, but he will be back in PA on Friday. What a wonderful day that will be for them. Our happiness and blessings are with all of you.

Spring is not coming any too soon around here, some flurries out there today.

Dad, Jess and Lilly went to Hillsdale and got 2 geese. Was looking for one to go with Dads' one after one of the pair died over winter, but had to get 2 of course.

Lilly and Isaiah have signed up for baseball and softball, and Isaiah is registered for kindergarten.

Kallie had her first birthday and Logan had his third. Lilly's bowling party was fun, Dad even bowled a couple of games.

Ross will start back to work next week, so the girls will be back in day care. Big adjustment for all.

Take care all,

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hey Cheryl, thanks for the update on John, not sure why but I never received any of the emails he sent.Glad to hear he's home. It felt like the middle of summer here last week we got up to 93, but this morning it's 45, high of 65ish. It'll be our last great weather. Meghan has mono, not sure how she got it. If I understood the nurse it's air or saliva passed, depending on what kind?? I always knew they don't do anything for mono, but did find out the spleen enlarges during your symtoms so all activity comes to a stop, so she isn't playing flag football through this week yet. James still busy with baseball. The kids just had spring break, so it's good to get them back in school. I hear your going to Los Vegas in June, that's great. Not sure of summer plans yet, depends on money. (as always). Love to you all, Diane