
SHHHHHH............. What's that noise ???

Ah, nothing, it's QUIET, at our house ................

They all left at about 7:30 this morning


Diane said...


Diane said...

Hey everyone, I talked to mom and dad this A.M. but they had only beed on the road 5 minutes. Next year it'll be Dakota and Meghan. School is out June 3. James has a class trip to Universal Studio, and Islands of Adventure on Monday, I'm a chaparone. I'm 95% sure we're coming up
July 25th-Aug 11th. Dr.Cole is taking that time off and the other assistant is leaving at the beginnning of July to start her own business, so this year I'll have to follow Dr. Cole's schedule.
Kevin is having new MRI's this week, they are finding new issues since the accident (April 9th a Penske moving truck hit our van, only Kevin was in it, thankfully.)Not his fault however
He's beginning to think he has a magnet for accidents.
Love to you all, Diane