
Back to work for me....

I actually had 4 days off. Davis Farm had off Monday and Rick had off Friday, so I took a vacation day for Friday.
Had a project of cleaning and staining the front porch and after 4 days still not done. But getting there and will be lovely.
Jess asked us to go to Defiance for fireworks, so we went up there Friday night.
Spent the day Sunday at the pond. Dad and Rick fishing and Mom and I sitting in the sun. They caught a catfish and 3 bass, so we grilled them for supper.
Diane's plans for summer are firm. She will be in Ohio July 25 to Aug. 11. Jeanne is still working on her plans, maybe the first week in August, about the 4th for a few days. Wayne, any chance you are going to make it out ?? Will have a 15 yard container there and working on the machine shed and basement. Also prep work at the wood shed for a garage. But I believe there will be time for a shopping day for the girls. Mom and I went last week for a few things and supper out. we zipped aroung Diance Mall at a pretty good clip. Got her in the courtesy wheelchair and told her she would have to hang on, I push faster than Dad does. Had a good laugh.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon !!!! Cheryl

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