

Hi Everybody,
We continue to have a busy summer here. Sarah has been ordering her nursing textbooks, uniforms etc. David bought a neat car this week. A 95 Geo Prism. Very nice conditon and he loves it. He has been working a lot. Nathan turns 16 tomorrow and we will try to get his permit on our way out tomorrow. When we return Nathan will start working on a dairy farm helping to milk cows. He is excited about it and learned the ropes quickly. Rachael is doing well with piano lessons, finally the third time around!j

We are going to go first to Buffalo, NY to meet John's sweetie and her parents. They invited us to stay the weekend. On Saturday we will go to Niagra Falls! On Monday we will head to the Adirondacks for a three day wilderness canoe trip on the Oswegatchie River. We will camp in the camper on either side of the canoe trip. Yep, we are taking all of us food and all in three canoes. Stan will give us lessons on paddling at the beginning. He knows all that sort of thing from all his years exploring the Adirondacks in college.

We will get home Aug 1(Sat). I plan to come to Ohio on the next Tuesday. I need to give myself a break before the long drive home. More later, Love Jeanne

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