
Hey there...

It is cold here today with a little snow cover, an inch more tomorrow.

Starting to get the Christmas stuff around and up, boxes sitting everywhere. We don't have our tree yet, so that will be the next project. Rick put red and green covers on our lights outside. No shopping done . The December calendar is getting full.

They are resting up from the trip north, no deer to bring home. Mom and Dad went to doctor yesterday, since they both came home sick. Dad had it before he left and Mom got it after they were there.

Lucy has a retina that is detaching from her eye. She was in Chicago for Thanksgiving and it started happening there. I think the plan is up in the air right now.

I have added an email group to send out an email whenever I post to the blog as a reminder.

Still working on Dad's Medicare drug coverage. We are going to go up and check out what he can maybe get from the VA first and go from there. Mom is all set.



Snowing here now

Dad wants Jess and me to put the chickens in the shed tonight so they don't freeze. they are coming back home Friday morning. The storm is supposed to move in Friday, so I think they hope to be far enough south to be okay. Rick hasn't got anything. Dad hasn't been out. He keeps saying he thinks it's getting better, but the next time I talk to them, I'm not so sure. Mom will get him doctored up when they get home.

The kids will all be over tomorrow for dinner, I don't know what they are doing up there , but I know Rick is going out hunting in the morning. Wayne too??

Ross is about done working, a couple days this week and a couple days next week and that will be it. He is watching Kayla while Amanda goes back to work. Who would have thought it ??????




Phelps happenings

I think Rick is having fun. Dad is starting to feel better. I'll take some pictures tonight with mom and dad.


Cold and Bright

They all got out of here about 8:30.

Jess had his interview for direct hire at Sauder's this morning. He has been on through the temp service. Will probably go to second shift (boo) but will get to stay in Contours (yeah). Will also get a several dollars an hour raise (yeah), with more every 6 months for the first 3 years. Contours is easy work and the highest pay, he will be running a CNC machine. Also out of the blue, she began asking him about his sales experience. She was impressed with his ability to speak to her, his openness, and asked if he would be willing to go into sales if he could. He is cautious but thrilled. I am praying that this may be the good to come out of the 3 1/2 years. ( you know every cloud has a silver lining they say !!!!!!)

That's all for now,


They are ready to go....

Jess went over and helped Mom and Dad get loaded up and Rick is on his last things. They are planning on pulling out at 8:00 am.

Ross, Amanda and Kayla were down last night, but we didn't see them, we were all gone. They did go to Mom & Dad's and then took her over to Pam and Roger Rice, Molly's parents to see them.

Well if you guys have enough of hunting, you can always go out on the snowmobiles !!!!!!

Went to play poker last night and won. $78.00. Usually play on Tuesday and Saturdays if there isn't anything else going on at the Henry County Sportsman club. It is a 10.00 buy-in.

Haven't played for a few weeks, so I surprised myself. There is a group of about 20 to 30 that plays, mostly men, but a few ladies are there sometimes.



We got 10" of the wet and heavy kind. School is closed.



8-12" tonight and tomorrow.

Rainy day here.

Rick and I went to Toledo last night and got shells for him to take hunting. They will be leaving Thursday morning early.

Vernon Rohrs died Thursday. His funeral was Sunday.

Other than that, not too much going on right now. Lilly stayed last night and we took her to school today. Jess's 29th birthday is today.

We do have our names drawn for Christmas, so I will have to get shopping pretty soon.




Dakota and Hauk

Voted yesterday.

The state issues went how I voted, but the school issue went down by about 60 some votes, (Fulton County voted against it).

Kara and Isaiah played last night with Darren watching them at our house, while I went to the candle party at Kara's. Mom was there as well. Rick and Jess had their pool league.

I never did take the tour of the house, only the woods, at your place Wayne. I believe everyone is getting ready for the big trip north next week. Mom, Dad and Rick will be taking off Thursday morning and back over the next week-end (Thanksgiving). The license is 160.00 !!!!!!??????

Maybe one of these days we can get those girls posting on here and let us know what's happening. :)



Finished painting the ceiling, ......I will post some photos of Hauk in the morning. Its spposed to turn windy and cold tonight with a chance of snow showers.



Too bad about the football team...who did they play?,... I thought they had a pretty good chance of winning a cople of games in the playoffs. Lucy's mom is up for a visit..we went to a fish fry Friday night, Saturday I worked outside, cut some firewood, and played ball with Dakota up at the school ... Sunday I primed the ceiling in the weight room and and watched the Ultimate Fighting Championship on TV. Lucy et. al. went to Rhinelander for the afternoon.
I can't find the camera, Ill have to borrow one from work to take a picture of Hauk.
Cool and rainy here but later this week its supposed to be above average in temperature. I talked to mom and dad for just a short time last week, she sounded pretty good. Bu they don't always tell me anything.

Good Morning,

Had a full week-end. Lilly was here Friday night and Saturday morning, Isaiah was here Saturday afternoon for over night, went home Sunday noonish, then Lilly was back in afternoon til early evening. Lilly has pink eye and an ear infection right now, so her and Isaiah haven't been able to see each other. She did call and talk to him while he was there a couple of times, they are missing each other and asking about each other. They are used to playing a couple times of week together and even Isaiah realizes he hasn't seen her.

Liberty lost in the playoff game Saturday night. I was home with Isaiah ( it was supposed to rain,) but everyone else went to the game.

Had some major wind storms here Saturday night and Sunday, most of the leaves are going off the trees. We have had a couple of hard frosts, so things are starting to fade away.

Right now working with Mom and Dad on their health insurance and drug coverage. With the new Medicare drug coverage we will be making some changes in their coverage. I believe Mom gets a lung test this week again.

On the calendar for this week - candle party at Kara's Tuesday, Lilly stays Monday and Wednesday.

What's going on where your at this week ??



That's great...she's adorable. It looked like Isiaha was having a good time but Jesse's girl was kind of mad about something.



How long does it usually take for a new post to post?


Great pictures... Is Kayla both the pumpkin and inch worm?