
Hey there...

It is cold here today with a little snow cover, an inch more tomorrow.

Starting to get the Christmas stuff around and up, boxes sitting everywhere. We don't have our tree yet, so that will be the next project. Rick put red and green covers on our lights outside. No shopping done . The December calendar is getting full.

They are resting up from the trip north, no deer to bring home. Mom and Dad went to doctor yesterday, since they both came home sick. Dad had it before he left and Mom got it after they were there.

Lucy has a retina that is detaching from her eye. She was in Chicago for Thanksgiving and it started happening there. I think the plan is up in the air right now.

I have added an email group to send out an email whenever I post to the blog as a reminder.

Still working on Dad's Medicare drug coverage. We are going to go up and check out what he can maybe get from the VA first and go from there. Mom is all set.


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