

Too bad about the football team...who did they play?,... I thought they had a pretty good chance of winning a cople of games in the playoffs. Lucy's mom is up for a visit..we went to a fish fry Friday night, Saturday I worked outside, cut some firewood, and played ball with Dakota up at the school ... Sunday I primed the ceiling in the weight room and and watched the Ultimate Fighting Championship on TV. Lucy et. al. went to Rhinelander for the afternoon.
I can't find the camera, Ill have to borrow one from work to take a picture of Hauk.
Cool and rainy here but later this week its supposed to be above average in temperature. I talked to mom and dad for just a short time last week, she sounded pretty good. Bu they don't always tell me anything.

1 comment:

Rick & Cheryl said...

Liberty played a team out of Sandusky and they were quite good, we knew it would be battle going in.