

Today is the PH state football game. Mom and Dad are coming over to watch it on TV. It is on ONN network at 3:00. Rick is taping it to watch after work and Kara & family are coming to have enchiladas for this evening. Should be fun.

Ross got a deer yesterday. 5 point with the 6th point broken off. But a good sized one. They ran him out from behind our house and got him out behind Hartford's house. No one has been in the state ground behind our house yet, so several of them were settled in back there.

Jess had his final physical today and starts Sunday night as direct hire at Sauders Sunday night.
Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's Lucy doing? Did you get Dakota back home for school?

I have been trying to get some kind of automatic email system for when a post is made to let everyone know, but nothing is working how I what. So for now I will simply send a manual email whenever a post is made as a reminder. If you all have been getting tests and invites that is what they are for. You can ignore the Google group invite because I am not going with that system.


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