
Babe's gone

Babe died last night. She has not been doing well, been to the vet about every week this month. She starting having seizures in Wisconsin. That has continued. When she went to the vet last week she had a lump on her side and they were told it was probably cancer. Yesterday she only laid under the table and kind of had tremors. Jess and I were there last night and we put her on a rug and Jess was stopping in the morning to help Dad take her to the vet for the last time. They stayed up til midnight with her, Dad was back up at 3:00 am and she was gone. Jess took her out this morning and will try to get her in the ground this afternoon.

Dad has been a little under the weather, having some bladder problems with spasms and a kink in his shoulder. He said he just doesn't do well in December, LOL. He was to the doctor yesterday.

Davis Farm Christmas party tonight and Santa at ADS in the morning for the kids and grandkids. Shadday dinner here on Sunday.


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