
Almost Happy New Year

Good morning, everyone.

Tonight is the Tallman gathering, should be fun. I believe everyone is coming except for April and Dalen.

Christmas was good and we are happy to have Diane here for a while with James. I am hearing Meghan is having a great time in New York and seeing all the sights there is to see.
No plans for New Years Eve, we usually don't, watch the ball, shrimp cocktail and munchies. But Rick is having a party on Monday for the Ohio State game with some of his buddies.

I am looking forward to the new year to try again. Most of us have had our problems this year and it gives me a chance to put the unpleasant in the past, and gives us a starting over point. There have been some things that I am happy about this past year for the better and things I have been disappointed in as well. But at the same time it gives me time to reflect that we are all still standing except of course for Babe, who was close to family. Whew, we made it another year, including Mom and Dad. They are looking forward to their 52 Anniversary. A couple of times I have walked in over there and found them going through the chest I had bought them to put the mementos from the 50th. Newspaper clippings, the trip, cards they got, pictures etc. They listen to a radio station and a program called Renfro Valley Sunday Morning gathering at 5:30 AM where it is all old time hymns and they mention anniversaries and birthdays of note. Dad had me call to announce theirs on it the week before and after. So they as well are reflecting on another year.

Wish all of you happiness and blessings in the New Year and my prayers are for all of us for thanksgiving for what we have.

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