
Hey there...

Whew, maybe life will get back to normal a little.

Good week with Diane and James. He got to play alot with the kids and Diane saw alot of people this week. She even baby sat Lilly and Isaiah one day.

Had a good turn out for the Tallman dinner. Jerry and family and April and family were not able to make it. I was looking forward to seeing all the kids. Mark was there and glad to see him. He is having quite a few health problems. I also invited Dorothy and Alvin, she is done with her cancer treatments for now. Also got to see Faith, I know she is around, I just don't see her. I have invited her to the blog. Ruth and Bill brought Billy's girls and Mark's boys were there also.

New Years eve was spent at home with Lilly. We watched Chronicles of Narnia, the ball drop and had cheese and crackers and shrimp cocktail. That is our usual New Years eve ritual.

And of course football was on the agenda for the weekend. Rick had some friends over Monday and they played cards and watched football all day. He has had the last 2 weeks off and was back to work today. Used up the rest of his vacation.

This month holds quite a bit, My 50th, Mom & Dad's 52nd, I'm getting dentures on the 11th, and Mom & Dad have Bible study on the 19th, so some house cleaning to do, although I believe Diane helped out in that department. We are waiting to hear back on Dad's VA insurance so we can finish up his new coverage.


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