
Jeez .......

I thought I had a bad week, but I think you topped me. I thank you for your call, but I wasn't up for talking right then.

Yes all the teeth are gone and some new ones in place. Since the swelling has went down today I have found a piece of tooth still in there in the back I can feel with my tongue. I am going back down tomorrow to get it taken care of and my bottom plate is quite loose right now, I don't even have it in. It was quite a process and will continue to be. My diet is chicken broth for lunch and tomato soup with crackers for supper, maybe some ice cream in between. It all happen Wednesday and that night was quite sad.

Rick, Mom and Dad all went with me, so it was a family affair. Then had to go back Thursday morning for a check of how I was doing. It is healing up nicely, but with the problem bottoms, speech right now is difficult, til I can get them snugged up, hopefully tomorrow. About 3 tylenol every 5-6 hours is where I am at right now.

The kids are all doing well, Amanda's birthday is the 17th, yes, I am the big 50, Mom and Dad had a lovely day for their 52nd anniversary, with dinners out and calls. Kayla is growing and chattering, did you know Ross is Mr. Mom while he is off work?, who would have thought it.... Isaiah has an ear infection, Kara and Darren are working on their upstairs to be ready to move up when the baby comes. Lilly was here for the day Sat. and Sun.

Well, my weekend is winding down, Wish me luck tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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