
Warm here today

but plenty wet and cloudy. We had quite a snow storm earlier in the week, but it warmed back up yesterday and it is all gone. Talking maybe another storm tomorrow, the further south it comes the more snow we should get.

Dad, Jon and Mike Leatherman have left for Wayne's this morning. They are picking up some equipment and Dad's tractor and maybe disc that is up there. They took Jon's semi up there. It will be a quick trip up and back.

Ross and Jess worked on the black truck this week, new brakes and rotors and changed the oil. That was a 2 evening job.

I am coming along better with my teeth. I have not been wearing the bottoms, they are too big and give me an underbite that I don't like. I can go back the week after next and get a new one made, after my mouth is healed up for an impression. the teeth I have now are temps for about a 9 months to a year and then will have permanent ones made. Soreness is pretty much gone, Usually Tylenol at night because my mouth is tired and in the morning.

Kayla is rolling over now. Monday or Tuesday Ross called to tell me. He had missed it the first couple of times, he would turn to look at her and she would be on her belly. But she does it on a regular basis now. she was visiting at Mom and Dad's while they worked on the truck and they got to see her do it.

Lunch time here,


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