
Something new

Hi all,

I'm interested in a new hobby. Scrapbooking. I had bought an album from Creative Memories a long time ago and never did anything with it. Last week, some ladies at church who scrapebook had a get together for those of us who don't and helped us get started. I'm starting with my childhood. I'm going to journal too, so my grandchildren can have a good record of me. Cheryl, Mom and Dad have an 81/2 by 11 of me as a baby. Can you scan it for me, duplicate it? That's the youngest picture of me I know of. We are going to get together once a month, so I should make good progress!

Good news for Garrett, the runaway. The family that is caring for him was granted full custody by the judge. Cannot be revoked. He thinks it's a miracle.

Today I took the kids rollerblading. The kids are decent skaters but I'm not so good. I deliberately chose today because the rink has open skate to Organ Music! Yes, the kids groaned but it was my speed. Actually, the music is lively. We had plenty of room as there was only 25 or so Seniors skating. One fellow was 92 and skated the same speed I did, slow. They were glad they went in the end.

I can't believe Sarah is going to be a Junior next year. Soon I will be signing her up for a FREE college class each semester for her last two years. Several schools here offer classes. We will start with one. One semester equals a year of high school credit.

More later,
love all,


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