
It is COLD

Woke up to 5 this morning.

Yeah, I do have bottom teeth I can live with. Karen gets us gift certificates each year for Christmas and Kelly and I go shopping together for a day. Went to Hobby Lobby. We stopped at the dental place first thing in the morning and I had them by the afternoon. They were just too big. I had to hold my mouth shut. so I just didn't wear them. Believe it or not I have a small mouth inside. The first one didn't fit at all, the second one fit on my gum, but they didn't make the gum and teeth small in proportion. Each time they had me try them on in wax before they made them and they always said, Don't worry about how big and bulky they feel, they are in wax. I have already taken 5 days off work on the crazy things. 3 when I had it done and 2 more on the bottoms, so I was holding off to take another day off. Thse are alot smaller. When I get my permanent ones I will go smaller yet, my lips are a little full yet, but they will do for now. I feel like it changes completely how I look, I will have Rick take some pics and I will put them up here.

We are still trying to find a dog for Dad, really 2, I guess. They are really missing Babe.
I think they are going to Wayne's next weekend to get some furniture up there that is their's. It is just up and back.

As far as the Medicare stuff goes, I think we are staying with what they have in AARP.
Last year in drug and health coverage costs, they paid 4600.00. If he goes on a drug plan, that alone will cost 4000.00 a year. 2 of his drugs are tier3 and one of the drugs isn't on any formulary I found. Niaspan, for his cholestral, which he takes 3 time a day at 500 mg, which is a third more than the normal max dose. So he would have to get health coverage yet with the 600.00 to be ahead, and that isn't possible. The AARP pays 100% of anything that Medicare doesn't. That includes all his deductibles and the 20% of anything thing else he has, including his tests of all sorts. If he would have a bad health year, those costs would wipe them out. Any other health insurance will not cover 100% of those costs. I would still like to go up to the senior center and have them run the numbers as well to be sure. The VA insurance did not pan out for him. AARP does have a drug plan as well, that I want to compare the costs to against what he has. Any one have any thoughts or comments??

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