
So how much ....

snow did you guys get? I bet the kids are having fun.

So John's graduation is on a Wednesday? Just checking, we have talked about coming out with Mom & Dad.

We did go to Hillsdale last Saturday. It was wet snow and a slop mess. Took 8 chickens and 2 geese, but brought 2 chickens back. Dad had said before he didn't want to take a couple of the black chickens up because they a basically his pets, and we told him so don't take them, but when he was catching he got them. Couldn't sleep that night thinking about it. Before we pulled out, I said so don't sell them, we'll bring them back home and we did. He decided to wait a couple of weeks before we go back when it warms ups a bit. It had been nice here, and the week before when they went up just to visit it was pretty crowded, but then the weather had the bad turn.

More later,

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