
We received a foot of snow

with our storm last weekend. Great for the kids to play in! It warmed up again quickly and now our snow is almost all gone. Windy here today. I'm glad to hear your teeth issues are getting solved. It has taken a lot of courage for you to do this. Some day I'm sure you will be quite content with your permanent ones and enjoy your smile. I got my braces off and I look different too.

On Valentine's Day Stan and I went to Shady Maple Smorgesboard for breadfast. Spur of the moment. Cheryl will remember this place. Anyone who comes to visit gets a trip to Shady Maples.

On Thursday, our three oldest went to New Hampshire with the youth group. A storm has put out the electricity at the facility and they were cold last night. They have a generator in the gym and cafeteriea that has a generator. About 300 kids are there so it is problematic! Today is Sarah's 16th birthday. She hated to be away but we let her choose. We sent a card for John to give her at breakfast, a box of chocolates for David to give her at lunch and a large box of red and white roses to be given to her at dinner by another leader. She called this morning and had gotten the card and everyone was wishing her well and they all sang to her. She said she felt special. Next weekend we are having a party for her here. You may send her a greeting at sarahmaughan@comcast.net

Thank you Cheryl for all the work on Dad's insurance. I think it sounds like what he has is the best. I would also check the meds at AARP. Comparing takes a lot of work. Pharmaceuticals and me don't get along. They cost way to much.

Well, we're headed out to find Sarah some gifts for her special 16 party. Warmly where it's cold. Jeanne

1 comment:

Rick & Cheryl said...

I did send her a message. That also reminded me, I was going to tell you guys, Ross was 32 this week !!!