
Good for you .....

on the scrapbooking. Alot of people here do it as well. I am not creative enough to come up with stuff. I have boxes of the kids stuff downstairs. Although our church has scrapbooking days once a month also, that Jeanette organizes. I can scan that picture and get it sent to you. I will talk to Mom and Dad about it.

Have been down to get my teeth worked on the last 2 days. Still having problems with my bottoms. They got the fit good on the bottom, but the gum and teeth are too big for my mouth. I have to hold my mouth shut. This is the second bottom they have made for me. they are the temporary ones, so I don't know if they can change those things now or not til my permanent ones.

Mom and Dad and I are going to Hillsdale Saturday to take some chickens and geese. Ross is going to come down Friday night and help catch and load.

While I have been waiting on my teeth, I have spent time at Ross's with Kayla. She is really growing.

Jeanne, did you let Mom and Dad know when graduation is for John? What are Sarah plans for the future?

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