
News from sunny south Florida

I feel like I took a different route to make a message on the blog. I hope you get this. It sure was depressing reading about all the snow up there, it cooled off to about 60 here so we heated the pool last week-end and had a bon fire!!!!!!!!!! The usual gang was here. We roasted marshmellows and made s'mores.
James will have his last Basketball game this week-end. At his age the teams aren't really that good.
Meghan however has become quite the basketball player, She is on 3 teams, 2 she had to try-out for 2 of them, the school team and the town travel team. We watch BB games about 3 times a week. Meghan plays BB everyday of the week and week-end with pratices and games.
Extreme Home Makeovers did a show in West Palm Beach last week. The producer of the show broke a tooth and ended up at our office. We fixed him up and in return we went to the construction site, and met several of the hosts of the show, Paige, Michael and Daniel and got t-shirts with autographs. The show will air in 6-8 weeks. Eric took us to a closer viewing site, so we watched them film some of the show. Later Diane

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