
We had a successful

visit to the mall. We found a lovely amethyst ring for Sarah. For years, I've been planning on getting a ring for my girls on the 16th birthday. I got the idea from Mom because I remember she got a ring from her parents too on her 16th. It's beautiful if you've ever seen it.

Tonight the older kids get home and tomorrow I go away till Wednesday. I signed up for a Pastor's wives conference at a place call Sandy Cove in Maryland on the Cheasapeake Bay. I don't feel desparate for a break but I like to get away and relax which Stan says I don't do enough.

John just found out about another option for the Marines that he's quite interested in. It is an officers track that starts while in college. Instead of two weeks every summer with his unit he would go to six weeks of officer training work. It's more pay too, which will help for college. After four years of college it's a six year commitment. He's considering making a career of it.


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