
PH won

Patrick Henry won the state game Friday. 47 to 25 or something like that. Central Catholic from Toledo also won their division.

Going over to put up Mom and Dad's Christmas tree tonight. We are also going up to the VA sometimes this week, to see what happens there, before we set up the Medicare program. Hope to go shopping sometime this week to get started.

Jess did the bathroom this weekend. It still had the black with stars on it. It is now deep red on the bottom, cream on the top and an Americana type border. It looks nice. The white walls in the living room and dining room are continuing to get on my nerves, but they won't get done that soon. Maybe after the first of the year.

Rick cleaned up the garage to get his truck in there to park for winter and to have it decent for when the Christmas dinners begin. I am making a to do list to try and get things done before the last couple of days, and it is a mad dash at the end.


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