
Warm here today

but plenty wet and cloudy. We had quite a snow storm earlier in the week, but it warmed back up yesterday and it is all gone. Talking maybe another storm tomorrow, the further south it comes the more snow we should get.

Dad, Jon and Mike Leatherman have left for Wayne's this morning. They are picking up some equipment and Dad's tractor and maybe disc that is up there. They took Jon's semi up there. It will be a quick trip up and back.

Ross and Jess worked on the black truck this week, new brakes and rotors and changed the oil. That was a 2 evening job.

I am coming along better with my teeth. I have not been wearing the bottoms, they are too big and give me an underbite that I don't like. I can go back the week after next and get a new one made, after my mouth is healed up for an impression. the teeth I have now are temps for about a 9 months to a year and then will have permanent ones made. Soreness is pretty much gone, Usually Tylenol at night because my mouth is tired and in the morning.

Kayla is rolling over now. Monday or Tuesday Ross called to tell me. He had missed it the first couple of times, he would turn to look at her and she would be on her belly. But she does it on a regular basis now. she was visiting at Mom and Dad's while they worked on the truck and they got to see her do it.

Lunch time here,



Jeez .......

I thought I had a bad week, but I think you topped me. I thank you for your call, but I wasn't up for talking right then.

Yes all the teeth are gone and some new ones in place. Since the swelling has went down today I have found a piece of tooth still in there in the back I can feel with my tongue. I am going back down tomorrow to get it taken care of and my bottom plate is quite loose right now, I don't even have it in. It was quite a process and will continue to be. My diet is chicken broth for lunch and tomato soup with crackers for supper, maybe some ice cream in between. It all happen Wednesday and that night was quite sad.

Rick, Mom and Dad all went with me, so it was a family affair. Then had to go back Thursday morning for a check of how I was doing. It is healing up nicely, but with the problem bottoms, speech right now is difficult, til I can get them snugged up, hopefully tomorrow. About 3 tylenol every 5-6 hours is where I am at right now.

The kids are all doing well, Amanda's birthday is the 17th, yes, I am the big 50, Mom and Dad had a lovely day for their 52nd anniversary, with dinners out and calls. Kayla is growing and chattering, did you know Ross is Mr. Mom while he is off work?, who would have thought it.... Isaiah has an ear infection, Kara and Darren are working on their upstairs to be ready to move up when the baby comes. Lilly was here for the day Sat. and Sun.

Well, my weekend is winding down, Wish me luck tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a Week

This was one of those weeks that was way too full of events. It doesn't happen often, thankfully. Nothing affected me directly but none the less sent me to my knees in prayer. You may not know that in November a runaway came to our door, a 16 year old fellow from Lancaster city. He hadn't run away far. What a time that first month was as Garrett stayed with families in our church and now is with a family that can keep him till he graduates. Well, the week started with the runaway running away. He is back with the family now and they love him as if he were their own. It's amazing. Then just yesterday, the daughter of this same family was in a serious auto accident and when they got to the hospital they didn't know if she even was alive. They had only heard that it didn't look good. I happened to be at the hospital picking up Sarah from volunteering and so we went right to the ER. Every parents nightmare. It was tense till they found out her injuries and that she can recover. Three days before another teen in our church got hit by a car when her car broke down and she was beside the car flagging it (while dark) She was thrown into the road but her rider was able to stop traffic so she was not run over again. She has lots of broken bones but should also recover. Stan worked A Lot this week as he also had a funeral on top of all these crises. We also found out that a fellow in our Sunday School class broke probation and is back in prison. Many needs! Well, today Stan and I are going to see King Kong and out to eat. I don't cook on Sunday eve. Every one is on their own , so it's a good time for Stan and I to get away. Love, Jeanne


Hey there...

Whew, maybe life will get back to normal a little.

Good week with Diane and James. He got to play alot with the kids and Diane saw alot of people this week. She even baby sat Lilly and Isaiah one day.

Had a good turn out for the Tallman dinner. Jerry and family and April and family were not able to make it. I was looking forward to seeing all the kids. Mark was there and glad to see him. He is having quite a few health problems. I also invited Dorothy and Alvin, she is done with her cancer treatments for now. Also got to see Faith, I know she is around, I just don't see her. I have invited her to the blog. Ruth and Bill brought Billy's girls and Mark's boys were there also.

New Years eve was spent at home with Lilly. We watched Chronicles of Narnia, the ball drop and had cheese and crackers and shrimp cocktail. That is our usual New Years eve ritual.

And of course football was on the agenda for the weekend. Rick had some friends over Monday and they played cards and watched football all day. He has had the last 2 weeks off and was back to work today. Used up the rest of his vacation.

This month holds quite a bit, My 50th, Mom & Dad's 52nd, I'm getting dentures on the 11th, and Mom & Dad have Bible study on the 19th, so some house cleaning to do, although I believe Diane helped out in that department. We are waiting to hear back on Dad's VA insurance so we can finish up his new coverage.
