
BOO !!!

Beautiful fall day here. Went with Mom and Dad to put irises rhizomes on the graves of Mom' s grandparents and great-grandparents, Aunt Edith and Aunt Viola, etc. They have not been decorating all those graves the last few years and the irises are something will come up every year and are in bloom over Memorial Day. Also put some on our grandparents. Mom and Dad had put mums on their graves this year and I had put petunias on this past spring so they all looked nice.

Also put some bulbs in the ground over there. Dad has been wanting some tulips and daffodils for early spring. We got some crocus also.

Well tomorrow night is the big night. Lilly and Isaiah will be going trick or treating. Lilly will be a Princess and maybe Isaiah will be a puppy, ( he refuses to put on his costume). We even had Lilly put it on to show him, when I went back to trying to get him to put it on, he grabbed it, threw it in the corner behind his crib and said " No! Don't want to !" It is a big fleecy over the head deal, Kara is going to cut it down the front and put buttons on it, so it doesn't have to go over his head hoping that will help. Mom and Dad are coming over for the evening, and the kids will all come after they get done. We are having chili, cider and donuts, and a bonfire. Should be fun.

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