
Overcast fall day here today. I think Ross, Amanda and Kayla are coming down tonight. Lilly will be there. We have her every Monday night and Wednesday night because Jess takes her to pre-school every Tuesday and Thursday. She goes to Pat Fetterman's at the Lutheran church. I believe Mom and Dad are going to Jeanne and Stan's on Sunday for a few days. Have not heard an update on how Stan is doing for a while. From the pictures you can see we went to the Corn Maize on Sunday. Really just let the kids play, did the hayride, and took pictures. We hope to plan an 'adult day' to actually do the maze and the 'Haunted Cornfield'. Except for Kara, who wants no part of the haunted cornfield. LOL ! I am trying to find blog photo albums for the pictures, so I will keep working on that, but here is one of Kayla I don't think I sent.

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